

At the 2018 KLAS Users' Conference Craig Hayward, President, KLAS Users' Group, announced a renewal and revamp of the KLAS Development Advisory Committee (KDAC). The KDAC serves an advisory role to Keystone on new features being developed for future releases of KLAS.

The terms of the original persons on the committee have expired, but the Officers' and Keystone Staff feel it is needed particularly now with a web-based version of KLAS on the horizon, duplication on demand, and other new projects and features currently being discussed. Over the last couple of weeks, the Users' Group Officers' in coordination with Keystone have been working to update the library breakdown list, identify and discuss possible committee members, and to prepare for the committee's reconvening. Erin Pawlus, Secretary, KLAS Users' Group and Users' Group Officers' Liasion to KDAC, will soon send invitations to possible new committee members with an anticipated meeting of the new committee members in mid-late August.

More info about KDAC:

Note: You must be logged into klasusers.com to access the below files.


  • Solicit and review KLAS Development Suggestions
  • Report on activities at the biennial KLAS Users’ Conference
  • Communicate with constituents.



Six committee members representing the following categories of KLAS Users plus a Users' Group Officers' Liasion:

  • Large regional libraries
  • Mid-size regional libraries
  • Small regional libraries
  • Subregional libraries
  • Special Organizations / Schools
  • Instructional Resource Center (IRC) / Instructional Materials Center (IMC) Users

Breakdown of all KLAS Libraries and Organizations in the above-defined categories:

Original KDAC members:

  • Joel Henderson, Oregon, Committee Chair
  • Teneka Williams, Georgia
  • Martin Landry, Montana
  • Sarah Smedley, PBC/Florida
  • Jerry Barrier, Perkins
  • Cheryl Manuel, Kansas


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