

  • 12-14-2021 APH Integration Update Recording

    The recording from the 12-14-2021 APH Integration Update webinar is now available. 


  • 12-14-2021 APH Integration Update Recording

    The recording from the 12-14-2021 APH Integration Update webinar is now available. 


  • 12/14/2021 APH Integration Update Webinar

    Save the Date for the APH Integration Update Webinar to be presented by Katy & Kyle on 12/12/21 at 3 PM ET!

    On Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 3 PM Eastern / Noon Pacific Katy and Kyle will be offering a live webinar focused on sharing information and details about the integration between KLAS and APH's ordering system and catalog of products. During this session, we plan to demonstrate KLAS screens, discuss planned workflows, share development updates, take suggestions, and answer questions. We invite any and all Instructional Resource / Instructional Materials Center users to mark your calendar now and join us for this special Keystone webinar!

    If you have any questions or comments you wish to submit in advance, you can send them to:

    In the meantime, we invite you to review the recordings of the APH 2021 KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Meeting from 10/12/2021 and the recent KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Roundtable held on 11/3/2021 during which we discussed the current status of the KLAS / APH Integration Project.

    Full Connection info:

    Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87018666883?pwd=WUZhSW5YVTBwRmxlVnRIQlpwZHhjUT09

    Meeting ID: 870 1866 6883
    Passcode: 632597
    One tap mobile
    +19292056099,,87018666883#,,,,*632597# US (New York)
    +13017158592,,87018666883#,,,,*632597# US (Washington DC)

    Dial by your location
            +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
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            +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    Meeting ID: 870 1866 6883
    Passcode: 632597
    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kda33PJihT

  • APH 2021: KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Meeting

    Screen capture of the KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Meeting at APH 2021 meeting recording.

    The recording of our October 12, 2021 KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Group Meeting held as part of the APH 2021 Annual Meeting is now available.

    During this meeting, we shared IRC-specific features and functionality added to KLAS since our August 24, 2021 KLAS New Features webinar, upcoming development, Q&A, and discussion including a status update on the ongoing project to integrate KLAS with APH. At this time, we expect our customers to be able to submit APH orders from KLAS in the fourth quarter of 2021, and we plan to be able to automatically pul APH catalog info into KLAS by the first quarter of 2022. 

  • APH 2021: KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Meeting

    Screen capture of the KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Meeting at APH 2021 meeting recording.

    The recording of our October 12, 2021 KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Group Meeting held as part of the APH 2021 Annual Meeting is now available.

    During this meeting, we shared IRC-specific features and functionality added to KLAS since our August 24, 2021 KLAS New Features webinar, upcoming development, Q&A, and discussion including a status update on the ongoing project to integrate KLAS with APH. At this time, we expect our customers to be able to submit APH orders from KLAS in the fourth quarter of 2021, and we plan to be able to automatically pul APH catalog info into KLAS by the first quarter of 2022. 

  • IRCs: Do you have a Plan?

    Stock photo of a paper checklist, with a pen at the ready to start marking off the lines.

    Well, IRCs, it's about that time again... and I'm not talking about the Holidays (though I hope they're merry). Instead, I'm talking about the APH Census!

    If you have questions, need set up or other support, and / or have a set timeline for when you want to get started, please let us know sooner rather than later. 

    Some things to think about:

    Patron Census Notice

    Do you mail or email a census notice? If so, are there any changes you need to make to the text or formatting of the notice? Do you remember how to generate it?

    Queries & Reports

    Do you know how to query for registered students who haven't been updated? How about querying for students that have aged out or changed grade brackets? All students or teachers with Items currently checked out? 

    Check your Saved Queries and let us know if there are more you need.

    Run the Related Patrons Listing (Patron module - Reports menu - Registration). Will this be helpful for your Census process? Are there any other reports you ran last year? What reports do you have questions about?

    Relationship Statuses

    Do you use (or want to use) a "Registered" relationship status to easily distinguish between a district's APH-qualified students and other students receiving non-APH services? 

    Do you need to make any other changes to the relationship types and statuses available? 

    Updating Patrons

    Will your staff be updating the patron records, or will TVIs make changes using WebOrder? 

    Is your staff up-to-date on how to update records and any policy or reporting changes this year? 

    If changes will be made using WebOrder, do you know how to find updated students for review? (Hint: Requiring a Note makes this much easier!)

    Does your patron module have the correct options in all the drop-down lists, or do you need changes?

    This month is going to fly by! So please save yourselves and our support team a little panic by considering these questions and your census process as a whole, and letting us know what you need with time to spare.

  • Keystone at APH 2019 Annual Meeting

    Keystone at APH 2019 Annual Meeting

    Next week, members of the Keystone Staff will attend the 2019 American Printing House for the Blind Annual Meeting. In support of our Instructional Resource Center / Instructional Materials Center KLAS users, we will host a KLAS Users' Group meeting at 8:00 AM Eastern on Thursday, October 10 in the Hialeah Room of the Hyatt Regency Louisville.

    If you are an IRC / IMC KLAS user and plan to attend APH, we hope you will plan to join us for info about recent KLAS updates, an opportunity to meet with Keystone staff and fellow IRC KLAS users, and a chance to provide your feedback and thoughts on possible future development of KLAS. We are also excited to announce that if you are unable to be in Louisville, we are offering the option for you to join us live online via join.me, our online meeting platform.

    We are offering the audio, PowerPoint, and KLAS demo online via join.me for KLAS IRC Users who cannot be at APH. Please email me (andreaATklasDOTcom) if you want me to send a personal invite with all the meeting access info and a calendar reminder. We also plan to record the meeting for later posting on klasusers.com.

    To attend the online version of the 2019 APH KLAS Users' Meeting at Thursday, October 10, 2019, 8:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada), please use the following: join.me/622-044-032

    To access the audio portion of the meeting by phone dial one of the following numbers and enter Conference ID: 622-044-032 # when requested:

    • Boston, MA - +1.857.444.6500
    • Camden, DE - +1.302.202.5900
    • Denver, CO - +1.720.650.5050
    • Los Angeles, CA - +
    • New York, NY - +1.646.307.1990
    • Salt Lake City, UT - +1.801.448.0006
    • San Francisco, CA - +1.415.594.5500
    • Seattle, WA - +1.206.636.0011
    • Tampa, FL - +1.813.769.0500
    • Washington, DC - +1.202.602.1295

    Our meeting agenda currently includes:

    • Welcome & Introductions
    • Update on Keystone over the past year including news, new projects & customers, etc.
    • Demonstration of new features in KLAS
    • Q&A - open discussion of what you need / want from KLAS

    We value your input and want to hear from you. Your shared experience helps guide future development of KLAS (especially for IRCs / IMCs). If there is anything, in particular, you want to ask about or to have us discuss, please let us know.

    Also, we are offering four, hour-long one-on-one consultation meetings at APH on Thursday starting at 1:00 PM. To sign up for one of these time slots, please contact me and let me know your preferred time (Ex: 1:00-2:00 PM). Each meeting will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Finally, please invite anyone you feel may be interested - whether they are familiar with KLAS or not. We look forward to meeting with you!

  • KLAS at Virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting

    KLAS at Virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting

    In addition to the move to an online meeting, the APH staff have also made some changes to the usual schedule. Things are starting a bit later each day to accommodate persons in western time zones and the schedule is a bit more compressed, but many of the typical sessions are still being offered, such as the tours of APH. We're already making plans for the KLAS Users' Group Meeting which will be on Thursday morning of the meeting as usual, but our start time will be a bit later than normal at 10 AM Eastern / 7 AM Pacific.

    Unfortunately, being virtual means we won't be able to provide breakfast for our attendees, but we do encourage you to grab a cup of coffee or tea at home and join us for the KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Group meeting. We will share recent updates to KLAS and Keystone services, plans for upcoming development, and provide opportunities for feedback and Q&A. If you have any topics or questions you'd like us to be sure we address, please post them to the klasusers.com IRC / IMC discussion forum and / or email Drea () or Katy () with your suggestions.

    So remember, if you want to attend the KLAS Users' Group session at the Virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting, register for the conference and be sure to select the KLAS concurrent meeting on Thursday, October 8 at 10 AM Eastern.

    We look forward to "seeing" you there!