


  • WebOrder Help Page

    Have you updated your WebOrder Help page lately?

    When we set up WebOrder for an Instructional Resource / Materials Center, we also create a Help page with a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and room for downloadable documents (such as a How-To). However, it’s easy for the information on this page to fall out of date as changes are made to your WebOrder setup. Plus, we usually don’t know what questions your users are asking!

    You can contact Keystone anytime to request updates to your help page, and I will be happy to put them in for you. In addition to adding and / or updating FAQs, we can also host any documents you want to add to the Help page as downloads. Users must be logged in to access the page, so this may be a good way for you to share forms, tutorials, or other information with them.

    Below is a list of questions for which we already have answers.

    Have a look through, review your Help page, and then email ks7 or visit the WebOrder Help Page forum thread to let us know what you need added to your WebOrder FAQ!

    Ready-to-Go FAQs

    You can certainly request questions not on this list, or request updates/customizations to any answer, but these are fast, ready-to-go additions I can quickly drop into your FAQ:

    • How do I change my password?
    • How do I add a new student?
    • How do I add an Order?
    • How do I search the Catalog?
    • I can't find the product I am looking for. How can I add it to my request?
    • It's hard to tell my addresses apart. They all say Primary or School Address. How do I change an address description?
    • What does a specific Action Code mean?
    • How can I tell which Braille Code an item uses?

    What questions are we missing? Is there anything else you’d like to see on your WebOrder Help page? Have you written any instructions for your users that you want to share?

    Head over to the WebOrder Help Page forum thread to join the discussion.

    And finally, don’t forget to call us or email ks7 to request changes to your Help page!