

  • 1/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication Webinar

    Screenshot of the initial screen from our 01/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication webinar recording.

    On Tuesday, January 25 at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific we hosted a webinar discussing "Cataloging for Duplication" . During this online training, Katy addresses topics such as including handling withdrawn titles, updating new title records without physical copies coming in, and what eDocs are and where they come from. Below is the recording of the webinar. Run time is 1:01:53.


  • 1/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication Webinar

    Screenshot of the initial screen from our 01/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication webinar recording.

    On Tuesday, January 25 at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific we hosted a webinar discussing "Cataloging for Duplication" . During this online training, Katy addresses topics such as including handling withdrawn titles, updating new title records without physical copies coming in, and what eDocs are and where they come from. Below is the recording of the webinar. Run time is 1:01:53.


  • Duplication Info

    A row of printing presses.

    Both Gutenberg & Scribe

    What do you do about Withdrawn Titles? - Key Notes post February 26, 2022

    Automatic Status Updates for Duplication-Ready Titles - Key Notes post April 19, 2021

    Shuffle the Deck- Key Notes post August 26, 2020

    Locally Produced Titles- Key Notes post March 12, 2020

    NLS Duplication Supplies - Key Notes post Sept 10, 2019

    Cartridge Capacity Information - Forum post Aug 23, 2019


    Notes from the Scribe - Scribe implementation guest post series

    Hot off the Press - Gutenberg implementation guest post series


    Remember: You are always welcome to call or email Keystone Customer Support with questions or requests! 

  • Duplication Info

    A row of printing presses.

    Both Gutenberg & Scribe

    What do you do about Withdrawn Titles? - Key Notes post February 26, 2022

    Automatic Status Updates for Duplication-Ready Titles - Key Notes post April 19, 2021

    Shuffle the Deck- Key Notes post August 26, 2020

    Locally Produced Titles- Key Notes post March 12, 2020

    NLS Duplication Supplies - Key Notes post Sept 10, 2019

    Cartridge Capacity Information - Forum post Aug 23, 2019


    Notes from the Scribe - Scribe implementation guest post series

    Hot off the Press - Gutenberg implementation guest post series


    Remember: You are always welcome to call or email Keystone Customer Support with questions or requests! 

  • Guiding Us Forward

    Guiding Us Forward

    Our developers have been very busy lately, implementing Gutenberg, ironing out eCommerce, and gearing up to start converting IRC / IMC customers to version 7.7, among other things.

    But amidst all of that, we’re still listening for your feedback—and even relying on it more than ever!

    So here are a few notes on how you are helping guide us forward.

    1. KDAC (KLAS Development Advisory Committee

    KDAC has some new members! A big welcome to Sam Lundberg of New Mexico Talking Book Library and Shawn Lemieux of New York State Talking Book & Braille Library, and thank you so much for lending us some of your time!

    So, what goes on in a KDAC meeting? We spend a lot of the timesharing what we’ve been working on that month (making your KDAC representatives a great source of “insider information” about what we’ve been up to), as well as our plans and expectations about what’s coming up next. Through all of that, we’re listening to their feedback and taking notes about what they think of new features, what questions they think need to be addressed, and their suggestions on prioritization.

    We also frequently have questions for them: should we pursue Option A or Option B to fix a specific issue? How can we make this or that easier? If we did things this way, would that cause any problems for you?

    KDAC has been a big help in steering and refining our development, so I’m especially excited to find out what the new voices will bring to the table this year.

    (Want to learn more about KDAC, view a list of all current members, or review the new guidelines? It’s all in the KDAC Article.)

    2. Webinars & Other Non-Conference Stuff

    I’ve been happy to do several Q&A webinars with the Users’ Group, and we’ve had a lot of positive feedback (thank you all so much!)... but I don’t want mine to be the only voice you hear.

    Are there topics you want to hear about, or something you’d like to share? Whether it’s a new initiative at your library, your experiences implementing Duplication on Demand, or a discussion focused on a specific area of KLAS (like Serials or Accounts), we want to hear your topic ideas!

    If you’d rather collaborate with another user or a Keystone expert, don’t hesitate to suggest it anyway; we’d be happy to help out or help you find someone who can.

    A very easy way to weigh in on all this is to fill out the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference Follow-up Survey! Yes, even if you didn’t attend the 2019 conference!

    If you’ve completed the survey and think of something new, or something that didn’t fit in the form, you are also very welcome to email us at Keystone or any of your Users’ Group officers, or you can post about it on the Discussion Forums.

    However you go about it, thank you for helping guide us and making KLAS and your Users’ Group better and better!

  • Scribe & Gutenberg Installs - Where are we now??

    Icon of a checklist and pencil

    With the Duplication on Demand KLAS Users' Roundtable occurring this afternoon and the upcoming 2021 KLAS Users' Conference, we feel it's an excellent time to update you on the status of duplication equipment installation at various KLAS libraries. So, let's take a look at which libraries already have their equipment and who is pending for each system.

    Scribe Installations and Status

    First, we're excited to share that we've resolved the issue that was holding up the production of new Scribes! The solution is in final testing and we expect to resume shipping out Scribe systems very soon. If you are not yet listed below, please contact James Burts () or Keystone's Customer Support Team () to inquire about and / or order your Scribe.

    Current Scribe Installations




    North Carolina Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped  NC1A Complete
    New Mexico Library for the Blind and Print Disabled NM1A Complete
    Arizona Talking Book Library AZ1A Complete
    Idaho Talking Book Library ID1A Complete
    Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped  AL1A Complete
    Braille Institute of America Library Services CA2A,
    Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled MD1A Complete
    South Dakota Braille & Talking Book Library SD1A Complete
    Xavier Society for the Blind   Complete
    Vermont Department of Libraries, Special Services Unit VT1A Complete
    Miami-Dade Braille & Talking Books Library FL1C Complete
    California State Library - Braille and Talking Book Library CA1A In Progress 
    Braille Institute of America - remaining Subregionals CA2+ In Progress
    Florida Braille and Talking Book Libraries FL1A,+ In Progress
    Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Services IL1A In Progress
    Perkins Library (Massachusetts) MA1A Ordered


    Gutenberg Installations and Status

    While the plan to roll out Gutenberg implementations to two NLS network libraries per month beginning in February 2020 was delayed due to COVID, Gutenberg Installations are back underway, so let's take a look at where things stand now. If you have questions about any of the below information and / or if you're interested in getting on the schedule for future KLAS+Gutenberg deployments, contact David Perrotta (, Steve Prine (), and Keystone's Customer Support Team ().

    Current Gutenberg Installations




    Colorado Talking Book Library CO1A Complete
    Georgia Library for Accessible Statewide Services GA1A Complete
    Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library OR1A Complete
    Nevada Talking Book Services NV1A Complete
    Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library MN1A Complete
    San Francisco Public Library - Talking Books and Braille Center CA1C Complete
    Indiana State Library - Talking Book and Braille Library IN1A Complete
    Washington Talking Book & Braille Library WA1A Complete
    Utah Library for the Blind UT1A Complete
    New York State Talking Book and Braille Library NY2A Complete
    New York Public Library - Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library  NY1A Complete
    Wolfner Talking Book & Braille Library  MO1A Complete
    South Carolina State Library - Talking Book Services SC1A Complete
    Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped OK1A Complete
    Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library WI1A In Progress 
    Delaware Library Access Services DE1A Up Next
    Ohio Library for the Blind & Physically Disabled OH1A  


  • What do you do about Withdrawn Titles?

    The Duplication Service model opens up a ton of new possibilities for serving patrons, and with that comes a whole host of new edge-cases, problems, opportunities, and workflow questions. Today, let’s look into one of those new workflow questions: what do you do when a Title is Withdrawn?

    First up, what exactly do I mean by “Withdrawn? For this post, I’m referring to Titles NLS has recalled due to Quality Control or other concerns as well as Titles with a status of “W / Withdrawn” in the KLAS Catalog. Most points will be the same or pretty close for NLS recalls, Locally Produced titles you have withdrawn for quality or timeliness (such as a corrupted file or a voting guide from a previous election), or for NLS titles you have decided to no longer offer (such as computer “how-to” guides from the early 90s).

    What happens in KLAS?

    For Gutenberg libraries, when NLS recalls a title the file is pulled from the Gutenberg hardware. Overnight the e-Doc sync in KLAS will spot the missing file and report the e-Doc as “stale” in the PCC Load Summary. (If you want to keep an eye on your e-Doc sync and do not yet get a daily PCC Load Summary email, let us know!) The title can still be added to patron Service Queues or included in a Duplication Order—however, it cannot be duplicated, because Gutenberg no longer has the file! So when NLS notifies you that a title is being recalled, it’s important to go into your KLAS Catalog and either make the title status Withdrawn or delete the e-Doc. That will prevent KLAS from letting the title onto any Dup Orders.

    For titles you chose to withdraw on your own, you can proceed as below.

    For Scribe libraries (or Gutenberg libraries doing a voluntary recall), you have more choice about how to proceed. The file is not automatically pulled so, as long as you leave the record in an active status, you can continue to duplicate the title as you decide how to proceed. When you are ready to stop all duplication, you should update the catalog record to make the title status W / Withdrawn. At that point the title may still be on some patron’s Service Queues, but it can no longer be added to any new ones or included in a Duplication Order. The Sanitize Queue function then removes the title from patron Service Queues during its next routine sweep.

    So, what are your options?

    You can always immediately shut down duplication of a title by changing the title status to W / Withdrawn. However, if you want a little wiggle room, you do have other options.

    For a voluntary recall (or if using Scribe) you may leave a sub-par but functional title active, add the No Autoselect (NAS) subject heading to the record, and include a cautionary note in the title field. This is a good option for reissued titles you want to provide to patrons with a strong Narrator preference, but don’t otherwise want to send. This won’t fully withdraw the title, but will keep it from being sent by Subject preference, and guide Reader Advisors to which version of the title they should send.

    You may also use the NAS option as a stop-gap for titles in the process of being re-recorded. For example, NLS recently pulled ADB 100980, Time for Mercyby John Grisham, in favor of replacing it with the unabridged version. If you want to offer your patrons the option of getting the Abridged version instead of waiting for the replacement (and if you have a Scribe, since the file was pulled from Gutenbergs automatically), you can add NAS to the Local Subjects, and add “Abridged version” to the title.

    However, you probably also want to either pull it from patron’s Service Queues where it’s been auto-selected, and/or contact patrons to see if they want to wait for the Unabridged version.

    Patrons with Queued Title Report

    This is where a brand-new report comes in: Patrons with Queued Title. This report (which will be included in KLAS v7.7.47, our next update), will fetch a list of every patron with a particular title on their Service Queue and/or in a Duplication Order.

    Use this report to remove the withdrawn title from queues where it was automatically selected, then reach out to patrons who requested it ask if they want the current version, or want to wait for a re-record.

    Or, when browsing the report results, you might find few to no patrons actually requested the title, and decide to update the title status to fully Withdraw it right away.

    Always feel free to ask!

    Whew... this was a long one. I hope it helps you understand how Withdrawn titles affect Duplication Service, what happens automatically in KLAS, and your options for handling them. However, feel free to ask us any time a situation like this comes up, and you aren’t quite sure what will happen or how to proceed. After all, this is still a relatively new approach to patron service! We’re here to share the technical details and help you determine your best course of action.

    And, of course, we hope the new report comes in handy!