
Icon of a checklist and pencil

With the Duplication on Demand KLAS Users' Roundtable occurring this afternoon and the upcoming 2021 KLAS Users' Conference, we feel it's an excellent time to update you on the status of duplication equipment installation at various KLAS libraries. So, let's take a look at which libraries already have their equipment and who is pending for each system.

Scribe Installations and Status

First, we're excited to share that we've resolved the issue that was holding up the production of new Scribes! The solution is in final testing and we expect to resume shipping out Scribe systems very soon. If you are not yet listed below, please contact James Burts () or Keystone's Customer Support Team () to inquire about and / or order your Scribe.

Current Scribe Installations




North Carolina Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped  NC1A Complete
New Mexico Library for the Blind and Print Disabled NM1A Complete
Arizona Talking Book Library AZ1A Complete
Idaho Talking Book Library ID1A Complete
Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped  AL1A Complete
Braille Institute of America Library Services CA2A,
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled MD1A Complete
South Dakota Braille & Talking Book Library SD1A Complete
Xavier Society for the Blind   Complete
Vermont Department of Libraries, Special Services Unit VT1A Complete
Miami-Dade Braille & Talking Books Library FL1C Complete
California State Library - Braille and Talking Book Library CA1A In Progress 
Braille Institute of America - remaining Subregionals CA2+ In Progress
Florida Braille and Talking Book Libraries FL1A,+ In Progress
Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Services IL1A In Progress
Perkins Library (Massachusetts) MA1A Ordered


Gutenberg Installations and Status

While the plan to roll out Gutenberg implementations to two NLS network libraries per month beginning in February 2020 was delayed due to COVID, Gutenberg Installations are back underway, so let's take a look at where things stand now. If you have questions about any of the below information and / or if you're interested in getting on the schedule for future KLAS+Gutenberg deployments, contact David Perrotta (, Steve Prine (), and Keystone's Customer Support Team ().

Current Gutenberg Installations




Colorado Talking Book Library CO1A Complete
Georgia Library for Accessible Statewide Services GA1A Complete
Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library OR1A Complete
Nevada Talking Book Services NV1A Complete
Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library MN1A Complete
San Francisco Public Library - Talking Books and Braille Center CA1C Complete
Indiana State Library - Talking Book and Braille Library IN1A Complete
Washington Talking Book & Braille Library WA1A Complete
Utah Library for the Blind UT1A Complete
New York State Talking Book and Braille Library NY2A Complete
New York Public Library - Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library  NY1A Complete
Wolfner Talking Book & Braille Library  MO1A Complete
South Carolina State Library - Talking Book Services SC1A Complete
Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped OK1A Complete
Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library WI1A In Progress 
Delaware Library Access Services DE1A Up Next
Ohio Library for the Blind & Physically Disabled OH1A  


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