

CT - Batch Update Items - Implement By Title

10 years 8 months ago - 10 years 8 months ago #60 by Mitake
Finish implementing the By Title tab in Batch update items. Allow libraries to define actions for items to keep on a title by title basis (e.g. how many copies to keep).
Last edit: 10 years 8 months ago by Mitake. Reason: Attach mockup

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10 years 4 months ago #85 by Mitake
This is for adding another tab to the Batch Update Items window - allowing users to process items by title based criteria instead of just item level criteria. For example, currently you can say something like all items that were made lost more than 2 years ago should now be withdrawn - the criteria is based on the information specific to the item. This functionality would allow you to say we want to keep 2 items for titles that meet this criteria.

Keystone knows that this is desired functionality. What we don't know is where it falls on the priority scale for our customers.

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10 years 4 months ago #88 by joel.henderson
I talked with our collection coordinator, and she says what would be really useful is if she could import a query not based on a range of book numbers but instead based on a subject. For example, she could import a query of all Westerns in our digital collection, then use the batch update options currently available from there. The feature as it stands now is very useful she says, but being able to import a subject query would be more of a priority than implementation by title.

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