

Patron/Cataloging - Book Club Reserves

6 years 1 month ago #581 by epawlus

We have recently added the Book Club type of reserve and appreciate that we can use quick request to give priority to a patron who needs a particular title for a book club. It is my understanding that changing an existing request/reserve to Book Club in either the patron or cataloging module does not reorder the reserve to the top of the list. Can this be considered in future development?

Also, if I am mistaken and it does reorder the list after nightly runs, please let me know that too.

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6 years 1 month ago #582 by patrick20k
Hey there! :) I'm glad the Book Club reserve has been helpful for you! Looks like this might just be a bit of a bug with it.

We checked into it and existing Rsv/Req.s that have been updated to be Book Club reserves should have priority. When KLAS is assigning titles, it looks at both the "order" field of the reserve (where the Book Club priority is set) and the date of the reserve.

However, I just tested changing a request to a Book Club reserve on a patron's request tab in the conference database, and that Order field doesn't appear to have updated. We'll keep looking into it and should be able to get a fix for it on the development list.

In the meantime, I'd recommend that instead of changing an existing request, delete the original and then add it back in as a Book Club reserve. It's less convenient, but that should ensure that the reserve gets the priority it needs.

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6 years 1 month ago #584 by epawlus
Thanks Katy. Can you also check to see if the same bug is present when changing a request to a reserve? A reader advisor asked about it so I tested it, and the newly changed reserve did not move up in rank. I assume that the date ordered is a factor in this case, although it's then hard to justify changing a request to a reserve in the first place (other than the fact that the patron with an R might be passed over if they have the maximum number of books out, making it more likely that the new V patron will get it first anyway.)

Thanks for helping me to better understand the process!

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6 years 1 month ago #585 by patrick20k
Yup, we'll be working on that part as well.

Reserves are processed separately from requests, so the updated req>rsv will still follow the rules for reserves and will still be sent by reserve processing, before the rest of nightly. However until we get this fixed, former requests will essentially be at the end of the list as KLAS is assigning reserves.

Thanks for catching this and bringing it to our attention!
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