

KLAS Alphabet Soup

10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #72 by Mitake
KLAS Alphabet Soup was created by Mitake
A reference guide to abbreviations used when talking about KLAS.

  • AQ - Acquisitions, used for tracking orders of materials that need to be acquired
  • BR - Branch, used by libraries that have multiple locations, possibly with varying policies and settings
  • CC - Circulation Control, functions that track the flow of materials through the library
  • CCFD - Circulation Front Desk, the user interface functions supporting face-to-face interaction with a patron
  • CM - Communications, functions for allowing KLAS to talk with other systems, ex. CMLS/PIMMS, integration projects, electronic patron transfer
  • CT - Catalogue, functions for describing the collection and managing inventory
  • EQ - Equipment, tracking of serialized materials or materials that are not bibliographic in nature
  • KS - KLAS Core, functions that are of a generalized nature and may apply to or affect multiple modules
  • MR - Materials Requests, tracking of requests from patrons that may be filled from inventory or require ordering through acquisitions
  • PA - Patron, information about who is using the library and what are their needs
  • PS - Patron Services, functions related to the automated provision of service to patron, e.g. nightly auto selection and series
  • SC - Serials Control, function related to the tracking an management of materials that are issued on an ongoing basis such as magazines
  • WO - WebOPAC, the on-line catalog that patrons can use for searching the catalog and placing requests
  • WebOrder - Web Ordering, a web based system for libraries using materials requests to have authorized users place requests and update records, a hybrid system between full staff functionality and WebOPAC
  • CVT - Conversion programming - internal functions used for adjusting data into a format needed by a new function
  • XXR - Reports, XX is replaced by the module in which the report appears, e.g PAR would be a patron report

KLAS Customer Groups
  • BPH/TBL - Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (BPH), also referred to as Talking Book libraries (TBL) or Braille & Talking Book Libraries (BTBL), provide public library level service for people who cannot read regular print due to disability. The library codes for these organizations usually consist of a state abbreviation, followed by 1 or 2, and a letter, e.g. MN1A or CA2B.
  • IRC/IMC - Instructional Resource/Materials Centers, responsible for distributing textbook and learning materials to students. Other acronyms for this group include LRC - Learning Resource Center, TMC - Textbook & Materials Center, and AIM - Accessible Instructional Materials. These groups are frequently responsible for managing materials acquired via the Federal Quota funds from APH - the American Printing House for the Blind.
  • PNDB - Perkins National Deaf-Blind - Keystone's internal name for the part of the NDBEDP National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program that is administered by Perkins. Tracks assessment, equipment and training provided to consumers across the country as part of the FCC grant. The public name for this program is iCanConnect.
  • NHF - National Hemophilia Foundation - Runs a national call center to answer questions about bleeding disorders. Uses KLAS to track what information is available and has been provided.
  • XSB - Xavier Society for the Blind - Provides Catholic religious materials in accessible formats

Other Abbreviations
  • APH - American Printing House for the Blind
  • BPHICS - BPH Inventory Control System - program managed by NLS to track how many machines have been distributed/returned at network libraries during the previous month. The monthly nature of the reporting can result in problems with figuring out where inventory counts went off if not reviewed on a regular basis.
  • CMLS - Centralized Mailing List Service - program managed by NLS to track addresses for all TBL patrons across the country. Involves a weekly batch load by libraries of information, can result in delays of address changes being propagated. Scheduled to be replaced Fall 2014/Early 2015 by PIMMS.
  • NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped - A division of the Library of Congress that works in conjunction with the TBLs to provide public library reading materials in the United States to people with a print disability
  • PIMMS - Patron ? ? ? System - the replacement to CMLS and BPHICS, that allows both addresses and equipment inventory information to be managed in the same system, and allows for real-time reporting of data.
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Mitake.

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