

New Web OPAC - Reading History Sort

9 years 3 months ago #166 by rfreitas
We've had complaints from patrons about the fact that there is only one way to sort their reading history in the new OPAC. There is a Sort By drop down menu, but it only has one option, Checkout Date, and that option only sorts in one direction. People want to be able to sort by other things, like author, for instance, and, optimally, they want to be able to choose the direction of the sort. It was brought to my attention today that since Checkout Date is the only way to sort results, any reading history browse that doesn't include a checkout date (like Items requested for checkout) ends up displaying without any order at all. The patron who brought this up had requests from 2013 on page one of her list of requests, 2014 on page 16 of her list, and requests from last week on page 8. If nothing else we definitely need a sort by Request date option and the sooner the better.

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