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Homepage - group of people - thanks Pexels and Anna Shvets

NLS is interested in tracking cartridge availability and use system-wide, and may be contacting you for some statistics.

Duplication Cartridge Use

The cartridge use statistics NLS is requesting are:

  • Number of unique cartridges that have been put into circulation to date
  • Number of cartridges currently checked out to patrons
  • Number of cartridges marked lost

The easiest way to retrieve those numbers in KLAS is to check the catalog records for your cartridges: DB-CART, BR-CART (if duplicating braille), and any other duplication media, such as DS-CART.

For each cartridge record, check the Statistics tab, and set the Holding to your branch. 

  • "Unique cartridges that have been put into circulation to date" is your combined Total cartridge counts.
  • "Cartridges currently checked out to patrons" is your combined Out cartridge counts.
  • "Cartridges marked lost" is the combined NAC - Lost count.

Screenshot of the Statistics tab. The Header indicates that the current record is DB-CART. There are some total counts, then a Holding selection combo box, currently set to UCSC-Cartridge-1. Four tabs later is the Out statistic, then five tabs to Total, and three more to Lost.

 Single-Title Cartridge Inventory

To get the current number of pre-recorded, one-title per cartridge items still in your system, you will need to run the Holding Summary Report twice.

  1. In the Catalog module, select Reports - Holding Summary.
  2. Select your Library ID, set Rec Type to Monograph, and Run the report.
  3. Note the #Items Available for DB.
  4. Add Begin KLAS ID: DB-CART and End KLAS ID: DB-CART, and Run the report again.
  5. Subtract the Available DB-CART count from the total Available Monograph count to get the number of available cartridges in your system (that are not DB-CARTs).

If you need assistance or have questions about any of these statistics, please let us know!

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