
Duplication on Demand

  • 1/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication Webinar

    Screenshot of the initial screen from our 01/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication webinar recording.

    On Tuesday, January 25 at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific we hosted a webinar discussing "Cataloging for Duplication" . During this online training, Katy addresses topics such as including handling withdrawn titles, updating new title records without physical copies coming in, and what eDocs are and where they come from. Below is the recording of the webinar. Run time is 1:01:53.


  • 1/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication Webinar

    Screenshot of the initial screen from our 01/25/2022 Cataloging for Duplication webinar recording.

    On Tuesday, January 25 at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific we hosted a webinar discussing "Cataloging for Duplication" . During this online training, Katy addresses topics such as including handling withdrawn titles, updating new title records without physical copies coming in, and what eDocs are and where they come from. Below is the recording of the webinar. Run time is 1:01:53.


  • 4/13/23 Preparing for EBraille Webinar

    Title Slide of the Preparing for eBraille Webinar PowerPoint

    Are you looking forward to circulating electronic braille for your patrons? Curious about braille Duplication but not sure where to start?

    On  April 13, James Gleason, Deputy Director, Perkins Library, and Katy Patrick, Technical Writer, Keystone Systems, discussed some cleanup you may want to work on, settings to check on or think about, and the setup Keystone can do for you.

    Below are the slide deck in PowerPoint and PDF format, chat transcript, and webinar recording:



  • 4/13/23 Preparing for EBraille Webinar

    Title Slide of the Preparing for eBraille Webinar PowerPoint

    Are you looking forward to circulating electronic braille for your patrons? Curious about braille Duplication but not sure where to start?

    On  April 13, James Gleason, Deputy Director, Perkins Library, and Katy Patrick, Technical Writer, Keystone Systems, discussed some cleanup you may want to work on, settings to check on or think about, and the setup Keystone can do for you.

    Below are the slide deck in PowerPoint and PDF format, chat transcript, and webinar recording:



  • 5/1/2024 Issuing MoC Webinar

    A Zoom screenshot from the Issuing Magazines on Cartridge webinar show presenter Katy Patrick in the upper right corner and the KLAS Serials Module taking up the rest of the image.

    On May 1, 2025 we got together and talked magazines on cartridge (MoC)! We shared the current status and coming improvements, answered questions, and did our best to start you out on the right foot. As usual, this session was recorded for those who can't join us live.

    • What: Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC) Webinar
    • Presenter: Katy Patrick,Technical Writer, Keystone Systems
    During this webinar we maxed out the 100 attendee limit on Zoom for the first time, so we tried upping our max to 500 as it was ongoing, which required us to stop and restart the webinar in our attempt. We recommend watching Part 2 first which has the vast majority of the information presented. Part 1 is the first 15 minutes prior to restarting.

    5/1/24 Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC) Webinar Part 2 

    5/1/24 Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC) Webinar Part 1  

    Query to find BARD Only Patrons with Active Subscriptions

    Here's the query Erin, AZ, requested during the webinar to find BARD Only patrons with active subscriptions:

    Quick Search-

    • Main Status | Equals | a

    Advanced Search-

    • Media | Pat Medium | Equals | db
    • Media | ServeCode | Equals | bard [or "ob" or whatever code is used for "BARD only" patrons]
    • Subscription | KLAS ID | [see below]
    • Subscription | End Date | Is Blank

    For the subscription IDs, either use "In" and a comma-separated list of all MoC Serials
    use "Not In" and a list of the most common non-MoC serials, ex: SER-TBT2,SER-TBT4,SER-TBN2,SER-TBN9,SER-DDB9,SER-NWL8,SER-CAW1,SER-CAP1,SER-VET9,SER-CAL2

    This query is not perfect, but it should give you a reasonable list of BARD-only patrons with active subscriptions (which may or may not be MoC serials) for you to review.

    Bear in mind that these patrons have been receiving MoC Direct serials despite their BARD Only status, and may want to continue receiving them.

  • 5/1/2024 Issuing MoC Webinar

    A Zoom screenshot from the Issuing Magazines on Cartridge webinar show presenter Katy Patrick in the upper right corner and the KLAS Serials Module taking up the rest of the image.

    On May 1, 2025 we got together and talked magazines on cartridge (MoC)! We shared the current status and coming improvements, answered questions, and did our best to start you out on the right foot. As usual, this session was recorded for those who can't join us live.

    • What: Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC) Webinar
    • Presenter: Katy Patrick,Technical Writer, Keystone Systems
    During this webinar we maxed out the 100 attendee limit on Zoom for the first time, so we tried upping our max to 500 as it was ongoing, which required us to stop and restart the webinar in our attempt. We recommend watching Part 2 first which has the vast majority of the information presented. Part 1 is the first 15 minutes prior to restarting.

    5/1/24 Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC) Webinar Part 2 

    5/1/24 Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC) Webinar Part 1  

    Query to find BARD Only Patrons with Active Subscriptions

    Here's the query Erin, AZ, requested during the webinar to find BARD Only patrons with active subscriptions:

    Quick Search-

    • Main Status | Equals | a

    Advanced Search-

    • Media | Pat Medium | Equals | db
    • Media | ServeCode | Equals | bard [or "ob" or whatever code is used for "BARD only" patrons]
    • Subscription | KLAS ID | [see below]
    • Subscription | End Date | Is Blank

    For the subscription IDs, either use "In" and a comma-separated list of all MoC Serials
    use "Not In" and a list of the most common non-MoC serials, ex: SER-TBT2,SER-TBT4,SER-TBN2,SER-TBN9,SER-DDB9,SER-NWL8,SER-CAW1,SER-CAP1,SER-VET9,SER-CAL2

    This query is not perfect, but it should give you a reasonable list of BARD-only patrons with active subscriptions (which may or may not be MoC serials) for you to review.

    Bear in mind that these patrons have been receiving MoC Direct serials despite their BARD Only status, and may want to continue receiving them.

  • 5/20/2021 KLAS Users' Roundtable: DoD Tips & Tricks for Serving Patrons

    Sam Lundberg moderates the 5/20/21 KLAS Users' Roundtable.

    Below is the recording and chat transcript for our KLAS Users' Roundtable: Duplication on Demand Tips & Tricks for Serving Patrons that was held on Thursday, May 20, 2021. (57:24 Run Time)

    Chat Transcript

  • 5/20/2021 KLAS Users' Roundtable: DoD Tips & Tricks for Serving Patrons

    Sam Lundberg moderates the 5/20/21 KLAS Users' Roundtable.

    Below is the recording and chat transcript for our KLAS Users' Roundtable: Duplication on Demand Tips & Tricks for Serving Patrons that was held on Thursday, May 20, 2021. (57:24 Run Time)

    Chat Transcript

  • Automatic Status Updates for Duplication-Ready Titles

    Automatic Status Updates for Duplication-Ready Titles

    We just released a new feature to help Duplication-on-Demand libraries keep their catalogs up to date!

    From the 7.7.50 Release List:

    You can now choose to have titles automatically updated to an Active status when you add an eDoc, just as you can have titles make themselves Active when you add the first physical item.

    But let’s talk a little bit more about what this can do, and who will want to use it.

    We expect this will be primarily for libraries using Duplication on Demand, and especially the ones who are (or will soon) be going collectionless. If you don’t have physical copies of anything or have very few physical copies, it only makes sense to make everything you can duplicate “Active.”

    Even if you still have a physical collection, if most of your patrons are getting DoD will they be confused that some titles are listed as Active and some are Download Only? Once you zero out your copy allotment, do you want new titles to linger in “In Process” status long after you start duplicating them for patrons?

    If any of the above has you thinking, “yes, I want to use this feature!” here’s what to think about...

    • What title statuses should update when they get an eDoc?
    • What status should they update to?
    • What about the back catalog?

    What title statuses should update when they get an eDoc?

    Open up the catalog and look at the list of Title Statuses. Are there ones that shouldn’tbe over-written, like Withdrawn? If there are titles you purposefully removed from your collection (Ex: outdated medical information or obsolete guides to the internet) we don’t want to accidentally resurrect them.

    If you have a Special Order Only or similar status, do you want to keep those titles segregated? Or if you’re duplicating at full steam, are you ready to fold the ones you can duplicate back into Active?

    When you’re ready, send us the list of statuses that should be updated by this feature.

    What status should they update to?

    I mostly talked about the feature updating duplication-ready titles to Active, but that isn’t your only option. Any status other thanWithdrawn can be duplicated, so it won’t cause problems if you do want to keep these titles under a different status. You could do an “Active – Duplication” or “Active for Digital” title status. Or,  you can put them under “Download Only” if you have that labeled clearly for your OPAC (something like “Available for Download or Books on Demand”). And, of course, if you’re changing things to Download Only, that shouldn’t also be in your list of statuses to be updated.

    Figure out what makes the most sense for your collection and your patrons, and tell us what status titles getting their first eDoc should update to.You can also let us know if you want to set up a new title status or re-label any of the existing ones on your OPAC.

    What about the back catalog?

    Once you’ve set both your statuses to be updated and the status to update them to, those rules will automatically apply whenever a title gets its first eDoc. But what about any titles that already have an eDoc but are lingering in a no-longer-accurate status?

    We have a program we can run through your batch manager to clean those up! We’ll want to run it sometime when you aren’t doing anything in the catalog module, to avoid any conflicting record locks. Most likely, we’ll run it overnight or early in the morning before you get to work.

    Just bear in mind that it can be messy to try to undo this kind of thing, so do your best to be sure about the changes you are making before telling us to run the cleanup.

  • Cartridge Recycling Video & DoD Webinar

    Cartridge Recycling Video & DoD Webinar

    As more Talking Book libraries are considering which Duplication on Demand equipment and workflow to implement, we're working to help you make an informed choice about what will work best for your library, your staff, and your patrons. That means more resources and more opportunities to ask questions and get in-depth answers.

    Two specific things we're working on are:

    • Scribe Cartridge Recycling video
    • Duplication on Demand Q&A webinar

    Scribe Cartridge Recycling Video

    For the past month or so, Katy and I have been working to create a video demonstrating the Cartridge Recycling workflow for Scribe. In the video, we show and describe using Scribe to duplicate cartridges that are not tied to a specific patron. It is in the final editing stages and should be ready for prime time in the next week or so. Until then, here's a couple of teaser pics and a promo version. 

    Cartridge Recycling Video 1

     Cartridge Recycling Video & DoD Webinar


    Yes, Katy and I had a few laughs while making the video, but we hope it will provide you the info you need. Below is our Cartridge Recycling with Scribe Promo Video

    Cartridge Recycling with Scribe Promo Video on Vimeo

    Duplication on Demand Q&A Webinar

    Next up, mark your calendars for 2:00 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, September 12 for our next webinar. Katy will be answering your questions about Duplication on Demand.

    This will be a live webinar offered via Join.Me. We will record it for later viewing, but also encourage you to think about what questions you have and make plans to join us. Details about how to log in will be posted to the klasusers.com discussion forum a week before the webinar. The recording will be posted on klasusers.com as soon as it is available.

    Cartridge Recycling Video & DoD Webinar 

  • Cartridge Statistics

    NLS is interested in tracking cartridge availability and use system-wide, and may be contacting you for some statistics.

    Duplication Cartridge Use

    The cartridge use statistics NLS is requesting are:

    • Number of unique cartridges that have been put into circulation to date
    • Number of cartridges currently checked out to patrons
    • Number of cartridges marked lost

    The easiest way to retrieve those numbers in KLAS is to check the catalog records for your cartridges: DB-CART, BR-CART (if duplicating braille), and any other duplication media, such as DS-CART.

    For each cartridge record, check the Statistics tab, and set the Holding to your branch. 

    • "Unique cartridges that have been put into circulation to date" is your combined Total cartridge counts.
    • "Cartridges currently checked out to patrons" is your combined Out cartridge counts.
    • "Cartridges marked lost" is the combined NAC - Lost count.

    Screenshot of the Statistics tab. The Header indicates that the current record is DB-CART. There are some total counts, then a Holding selection combo box, currently set to UCSC-Cartridge-1. Four tabs later is the Out statistic, then five tabs to Total, and three more to Lost.

     Single-Title Cartridge Inventory

    To get the current number of pre-recorded, one-title per cartridge items still in your system, you will need to run the Holding Summary Report twice.

    1. In the Catalog module, select Reports - Holding Summary.
    2. Select your Library ID, set Rec Type to Monograph, and Run the report.
    3. Note the #Items Available for DB.
    4. Add Begin KLAS ID: DB-CARTand End KLAS ID: DB-CART, and Run the report again.
    5. Subtract the Available DB-CART count from the total Available Monograph count to get the number of available cartridges in your system (that are not DB-CARTs).

    If you need assistance or have questions about any of these statistics, please let us know!

  • Cartridge Statistics

    NLS is interested in tracking cartridge availability and use system-wide, and may be contacting you for some statistics.

    Duplication Cartridge Use

    The cartridge use statistics NLS is requesting are:

    • Number of unique cartridges that have been put into circulation to date
    • Number of cartridges currently checked out to patrons
    • Number of cartridges marked lost

    The easiest way to retrieve those numbers in KLAS is to check the catalog records for your cartridges: DB-CART, BR-CART (if duplicating braille), and any other duplication media, such as DS-CART.

    For each cartridge record, check the Statistics tab, and set the Holding to your branch. 

    • "Unique cartridges that have been put into circulation to date" is your combined Total cartridge counts.
    • "Cartridges currently checked out to patrons" is your combined Out cartridge counts.
    • "Cartridges marked lost" is the combined NAC - Lost count.

    Screenshot of the Statistics tab. The Header indicates that the current record is DB-CART. There are some total counts, then a Holding selection combo box, currently set to UCSC-Cartridge-1. Four tabs later is the Out statistic, then five tabs to Total, and three more to Lost.

     Single-Title Cartridge Inventory

    To get the current number of pre-recorded, one-title per cartridge items still in your system, you will need to run the Holding Summary Report twice.

    1. In the Catalog module, select Reports - Holding Summary.
    2. Select your Library ID, set Rec Type to Monograph, and Run the report.
    3. Note the #Items Available for DB.
    4. Add Begin KLAS ID: DB-CARTand End KLAS ID: DB-CART, and Run the report again.
    5. Subtract the Available DB-CART count from the total Available Monograph count to get the number of available cartridges in your system (that are not DB-CARTs).

    If you need assistance or have questions about any of these statistics, please let us know!

  • Coming Soon: Duplication on Demand Roundtable

    Coming Soon: Duplication on Demand Roundtable

    "Duplication" is the word of the day / week / month / year for National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled network libraries. Whether you've already made the fundamental shift to providing duplication on demand materials for your patrons or are still trying to make decisions about how to shift your library to a duplication on demand service model, there's many questions, decisions, and challenges faced during the process.

    With this in mind, the KLAS Users' Group Program Committee is providing another opportunity for KLAS Users' to come together in a session focused on this topic. Go ahead and mark your calendar now for the upcoming KLAS Users' Roundtable: Duplication on Demand to be held on Tuesday, December 15 at 3 PM Eastern / Noon Pacific.

    Note: We expect this session to last two hours rather than the usual one. Also, we plan to record this roundtable and post it to klasusers.com for later reference.

    During this roundtable, three representatives of libraries using Gutenberg and three representatives of libraries using Scribe will each discuss their experience implementing duplication equipment, decisions regarding policy and staff changes, and more! After each shares a brief description of their process, there will be an opportunity to ask questions, discuss issues they've brought up, etc.

    Gutenberg Panellists:

    • Hope Williams, Nevada Talking Book Services
    • Elke Bruton, Oregon Talking Book & Braille Library
    • Ricardo Cisneros, San Francsico Public Library - Talking Book and Braille Center

    Scribe Panellists:

    • Connie Sullivan, South Dakota Braille & Talking Book Library
    • Angela Fisher Hall, Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
    • Nancy Holt, Idaho Talking Book Library

    Before the roundtable...

    To help you prepare for this roundtable we encourage you to review Duplication Info Quick Reference page where you will find articles, quick tips, how-to documents, and more related to using either Gutenberg or Scribe. Several of the documents have just been updated to reflect changes in recent versions of KLAS, so make sure to check those dates to make sure you have the most current info!

    You can also help our panellists prepare for this session by posting questions to this KLASUsers Discussion Forum post. Of course, day-of questions are also welcome, but posting your questions ahead of time will ensure that we get to them (even if you can't make the session itself) and that the panellists will be able to consider their answers.

    Access Info:

    Tuesday, 12/15/2020 @ 3pm Eastern Time / Noon Pacific

    To connect:
    Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/rmv-fgvs-eba

    Dial-in audio option:
    ‪US‬ ‪+1 575-459-0037‬
    PIN: ‪950 920 249#‬‪

  • Duplication Info

    A row of printing presses.

    Both Gutenberg & Scribe

    What do you do about Withdrawn Titles? - Key Notes post February 26, 2022

    Automatic Status Updates for Duplication-Ready Titles - Key Notes post April 19, 2021

    Shuffle the Deck- Key Notes post August 26, 2020

    Locally Produced Titles- Key Notes post March 12, 2020

    NLS Duplication Supplies - Key Notes post Sept 10, 2019

    Cartridge Capacity Information - Forum post Aug 23, 2019


    Notes from the Scribe - Scribe implementation guest post series

    Hot off the Press - Gutenberg implementation guest post series


    Remember: You are always welcome to call or email Keystone Customer Support with questions or requests! 

  • Duplication Info

    A row of printing presses.

    Both Gutenberg & Scribe

    What do you do about Withdrawn Titles? - Key Notes post February 26, 2022

    Automatic Status Updates for Duplication-Ready Titles - Key Notes post April 19, 2021

    Shuffle the Deck- Key Notes post August 26, 2020

    Locally Produced Titles- Key Notes post March 12, 2020

    NLS Duplication Supplies - Key Notes post Sept 10, 2019

    Cartridge Capacity Information - Forum post Aug 23, 2019


    Notes from the Scribe - Scribe implementation guest post series

    Hot off the Press - Gutenberg implementation guest post series


    Remember: You are always welcome to call or email Keystone Customer Support with questions or requests! 

  • Duplication on Demand: What works best for you?

    Duplication on Demand: What works best for you?

    Many KLAS libraries are already wrestling with (or soon will be) the challenges of reduced space to house their collections and / or less circulation and support staff. With these issues and other in mind, we designed KLAS' Patron Centric Cartridge functionality to provide library staff with the ability to quickly select and reproduce a specific set of books onto a cartridge for a specific patron.

    While this works well for many libraries, we know this is not the best option for ALL organizations.

    In our discussions at Keystone, we have identified at least three different duplication on-demand workflow scenarios including two patron-centric and one title-centric:

    1. A single cartridge tied to a single patron which is reloaded with books for that patron each time it is returned.
    2. Cartridges that are loaded with titles based on a single patron's preferences but are not tied to one in particular. Rather, whichever cartridge is available at the time is loaded with the patron's books.
    3. Cartridges loaded according to inventory (Examples: The Harry Potter Series, Nonfiction titles added in the last 30 days, 1 year of Southern Living)

    Some questions we have as we prepare to move forward with providing additional duplication-on-demand functionality within KLAS are:

    1. Do any of these options appeal to your organization and how it operates more than another?
    2. What considerations do you think need to be made for each?
    3. What specific challenges and / or benefits do you think you may see from operating under each?

    Please share your answers / thoughts / feedback on the "Duplication on Demand: What works best for you?" klausers.com discussion forum thread.

  • Duplication Supplies

    Interested in moving to a Duplication on Demand service model, but not sure how you’ll get enough cartridges and other supplies? There’s help available! NLS is offering supplies to all network libraries that are willing to transition to zero copy allotment--whether they plan to implement Gutenberg or Scribe.

    Many of you have already heard about this and some have already put in their request, but please read on anyway—we’ve worked with NLS to make sure we’re accurately covering all the important details.

    On top of that, we’ve developed a worksheet to help you plan your implementation process, including when you will need additional supplies.

    Just the Facts

    When you are ready, you can order from NLS:

    • Up to half of your total need for cartridges and containers.

    (Total need is calculated based on 5 cartridges per active audio patron, so half works out to 2.5 cartridges and cases per active patron.)

    • Pre-printed cartridge and container labels with your library information

    In return, you will need to work towards full duplication service. NLS expects libraries to zero out their copy allotment within 12 months of implementing duplication on demand.

    Good Stuff to Know

    Be aware that your supplies will arrive in one shipment on pallets. This is intended to be a lifetime supply, so please be prepared for a large shipment proportional to your patron base.

    The cartridges will have the standard “white cartridge” passphrase, and will need to be reset to the peach passphrase using the NLS device, or using the Repurpose mode of the Gutenberg.

    NLS encourages libraries to repurpose cartridges and containers from their existing collections to make up the other half of their need, and they can loan Scribe libraries a stand-alone device that will unlock white cartridges for re-use. The cartridge is then re-locked with the peach passphrase, so it will continue to be protected. (Check out our Thursday Tip on High-Capacity Cartridges for the trick to easily identify the best cartridges to keep for duplication.)


    NLS can only get so many supplies ordered and distributed per month. Currently, they are asking for two month’s lead time.

    Being clear about your timeline and need will help NLS prioritize orders, as will holding off on requesting supplies if they will not be needed soon. NLS will also ask Keystone to confirm that we have an “authorized commitment” to proceed and a clear implementation schedule in place, so please coordinate with us before you make your request for duplication supplies to NLS.

    To help you estimate when supplies will be needed, and in what amounts, we have developed the attached worksheet. Take advantage of our experience with several implementations, and have a look! Of course, we know you may still have questions or need more help making your estimates, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for assistance.


    The attached questionnaire is intended to help guide you through planning your implementation of a Duplication service model using Scribe or Gutenberg, including generating estimates of supplies needed for the initial stages, specific goals, and action items.

    It will be most useful before contacting NLS to order supplies.

  • Exciting News! Scribe to unlock NLS cartridges

    A key is inserted into an unlocked padlock.

    Keystone is excited to announce that we've signed an agreement with the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) to allow our Scribe Duplication on Demand system to unlock the white, pre-loaded NLS cartridges for repurposing.

    Our developers have already begun working on adding this feature to KLAS and expect the initial release of this new functionality to be in the next month.

    We plan for the unlock process to be very simple. When you plug a cartridge in to the Scribe to duplicate onto it, the Scribe will check to see if the cartridge needs to be processed. If the cartridge is one the system hasn't seen before, it will process it, ensure we can unlock it, and then follow the NLS guidelines setting the passphrase to be consistent across the network for all repurposed NLS cartridges.

    For any cartridges that can't be processed as part of duplication, there will also be a separate mode which allows staff greater control, ensuring all cartridges can be processed and unlocked.

    We know this functionality is something our current and future Scribe libraries have been hoping for, and we're thrilled to now be able to bring it to you! Be on the lookout for a Weekly Wrap-up in the near future which will detail exactly which KLAS release includes the capability for Scribe to unlock ALL NLS cartridges. 

    Please be sure to let customer support know if you have any questions about the timeline or implementation process.

  • Gutenberg is Coming!

    For this week's Key Note, I wanted to highlight a reply that James Burts recently posted to the forums--it's exciting news and we don't want you to miss it!

    "We will be adding support for Gutenberg from KLAS. Time will tell if Scribe has any purpose beyond being a valuable testbed for our duplication efforts, but we have certainly heard loud and clear that you all want us to integrate KLAS with Gutenberg.

    However, in order to be able to do this, there are some foundational parts that must be in place first. The biggest and most important of them is what we are calling the "Duplication Queue". The Duplication Queue is just what the name implies-- a prioritized list of titles to be duplicated to cartridges. We are adding to the nightly routines to make sure every patron's Duplication Queue is automatically filled with books that the patron would want. This automatic selection will function with similar rules as the current nightly auto-select to allow KLAS to pick books to be added to the duplication queue, but with a few very important differences from what nightly currently does.

    1. The duplication queue will be books that the system has selected in advance.
      • The system re-fills the queue the night after a patron receives a duplicated cartridge.
      • Once titles are on a patron's duplication queue, entries can be added, re-prioritized, or deleted whenever you want. This will allow the RA's (or the patron themselves) to modify the items queue as they want--- like you can adjust the items in your NetFlix wishlist.
    1. The selection of items in the duplication queue will be based on the full BARD collection, not just the titles you have available in inventory (which is how the current nightly programs operate).
      • We are basically needing to create a process very similar to our nightly selection routines, but with some significant differences. The two processes are having to be somewhat aware of each other, and make sure they don't step on each other's toes. (for a simple example, if a patron returns a cartridge and is now due for service, we don't want both systems sending both a book from inventory/turnaround as well as a cartridge from Duplication on Demand.) Weaving these systems around each other is the cause of much of the difficulty in the Duplication Queue.

    Having the automated selection of books for the duplication queue is a huge step. It takes away the current need to manually click the "Serve Patron" button, and pick the books that will be written to a cartridge. Having a manual step to select books would severely hamper the ability for Duplication on Demand to scale to support a collection-free workflow."

    We want to make sure that KLAS' Gutenberg integration doesn't just work, but works well. That means a smooth workflow for selecting titles and duplicating the cartridges, and it also means tracking what actually happened at each step along the way. As part of our integrating with Gutenberg, we will be making sure that enough information is recorded to be able to track down issues, troubleshoot bugs, and answer patrons' questions, such as "Why didn't I get this title?" and "What was on that cartridge?"

    The developers are hard at work, and we expect that the Duplication Queue should be finished in late September / October. Then they will work on tying that piece into the Gutenberg itself, which could take another couple of months. The current estimate is that they should be done sometime in December / January.

    We expect to deliver a robust process that will work with Gutenberg (or other hardware) to provide your patrons with the right titles at the right time--with the right amount of work needed to run it.

    In the meantime, please continue to contact us with your questions, workflow preferences, and suggestions!

  • Hot off the Press: Part 1

    Hot off the press

    Welcome to the "Hot off the Press" blog series from guest blogger, Teresa Kalber. Teresa is the Network Systems Administrator at Colorado Talking Book Library. In this series, she will be sharing her library's experience being one of the first two KLAS libraries to implement NLS' Gutenberg equipment.

    Hot off the Press: Part 1

    A little delayed, but as promised we are sharing our experience of converting over to Gutenberg duplication as our main circulation method. This first installment will cover our pre-planning steps.

    Our Director has been excited about using duplication on demand since she first heard about it. Knowing this and also knowing our KLAS server was reaching end of life and would not support KLAS 7.7, I began conversations with both our IT department and Keystone as early as December 2018 with a plan to have our server replaced by June 2019. I also started discussions with our security officer and our network administrator about DoD to ensure we would be able to use the equipment on our network without issues.

    In May 2019, we found out we had been chosen to be the self-hosted pilot site for Gutenberg integration with KLAS. Our IT department had set-up a new virtual server for me and agreed to allow Keystone to submit an image to be placed on the server to run KLAS. Their caveat was that they would not provide support since the software didn’t conform to standards. Since they have never provided support for our servers anyway, I didn’t see this as a problem.

    Things we needed to think about between finding out about the pilot and getting the Gutenberg equipment in September:

    • Placing an order for additional mail cards beyond what NLS provides
    • Preparing cartridges and containers to use for DoD
      • Placing labels on unused cartridges and containers
      • Stripping labels from used cartridges and containers and replacing with new labels
    • Notification of patrons – we did a blurb in our newsletter and that was our only notification to patrons.
    • Selecting patrons for the pilot (if you do one)
    • When to start new patrons on DoD (we started new patrons when we started the pilot)
    • When to zero out copy allotment so no new books come
    • How to cut-over patrons once the pilot is complete
    • Initial default number of books on a cartridge and default number of cartridges (We used 10 books/3 cartridges per patron as our default)

    Both NLS and Keystone have documents of things to consider during planning stages. NLS also has a great overview of the necessary IT requirements. Once I received this document, I forwarded it to our Security Officer and Network Administrator to ensure there would be no problems in using the Gutenberg equipment on our network. I think opening these lines of communication early helped the process go more smoothly.

    We were finally able to convert to KLAS 7.7 on August 19, 2019. This gave us about a month to iron out any issues before receiving our equipment from NLS on September 20th.

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