NLS has started putting LGBTAF, LGBTAN, LGBTJF, & LGBTJN in the 072 MARC tag. If you use automatic subject mapping of the 072 tag, here is the procedure to make good use of the new codes.
Note: If you do not yet use the 072 subject codes, you can contact Customer Support to get this set up! For more information about automatic subject mapping, see this
Subject Mapping forum post
If you have imported any MARC records that contain these codes, KLAS will have automatically added them as subjects in your Heading Maintenance. Have a look, and update the descriptions and/or codes as desired, or merge them into an appropriate existing subject. If you change the codes or merge the subjects, be sure to make note of the new codes so you can add the mapping in Code Maintenance.
To add the mapping:
In Code Maintenance, select Code Name: NLS-072
Locate the new codes in the list. If the code does not yet exist, use the Add button to create it.
Edit each line to add a Description (as follows) and the correct Code Xref (the desired Local Subject code or codes).
Save each record as you finish.
The new codes:
LGBT Interest - Adult Fiction
LGBT Interest - Adult Non-Fiction
LGBT Interest - Juvenile Fiction
LGBT Interest - Juvenile Non-Fiction
As always, let us know if you have questions or would like assistance!
BIOG Biography AN JN
BIOB Biography of Persons with Disabilities AN JN
BIOE Biography of Entertainers
BIOEAN Biography of Entertainers, Adult Non-Fiction
BIOEJN Biography of Entertainers, Juvenile Non-Fiction
BIOL Biography of Writers AN JN
BIOM Biography of Musicians and Composers AN JN
BIOS Biography of Heads of State and Political Figures AF AN JF JN
CONT Contemporary Fiction
CONTAF Contemporary Adult Fiction
(The AF, etc indicates the combinations that NLS expects to be valid)