Modules 281 topics
Parent category to hold discussion forums for all KLAS modules to hold discussion forums for all KLAS modules
Last Post
Catalogue 123 topicsDiscussion forum for the KLAS cataloging module
Circulation 13 topicsDiscussion forum for the Circulation module
Patron Services 78 topicsDiscussion about the Patron module and Patron maintenance.
Equipment 6 topicsDiscussion about the KLAS Equipment Module
Aquisitions 2 topicsDiscussion about the KLAS Acquisitions Module
Materials Requests 2 topicsDiscussion about the KLAS Materials Requests module.
Serials 14 topicsDiscussion about the maintenance and circulation of magazines and journals in KLAS.
WebOPAC 20 topicsDiscussion about KLAS WebOPAC, the on-line public access catalog.
KLAS Core 23 topicsDiscussion about admin functions and settings that affect KLAS as a whole.
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