Similar to the
DBC16626 "Rogue Male" reported last week
, we have found that DB043412 "Gone Fishin" by Walter Mosley has been pulled from BARD. In this case, NLS has withdrawn the title and plans to re-record it in a more culturally sensitive way (although the original is still in Voyager, at least for now).
There is not yet an alternate DB-number for this title, but the Re-issue tool will be able to pull over Requests / Reserves from this record once a new one is available. It is also part of the Easy Rawlins Companion Series.
As such, our recommended workflow to address this is:
Give DB043412 the title status W / Withdrawn and mark it as OPAC Suppressed.
Run the Patrons with Queued Title report (in the Patron module, under Reports - Items and Titles) to find all patrons with DB043412 in their Service Queue or in a pending order.
Remove this title from their queue or cancel the order and re-create it without this title. If you wish to be sure that the patron gets the title when it is re-recorded, either give them a Reserve for the title or a Preference for the series.