

Duplicate Catalog Record: A Marvelous Light

2 years 10 months ago #1212 by patrick20k
Whoops! NLS inadvertently gave A Marvelous Light two DB numbers: DB 106299 and DB 105658.

DB 106299 has now been suppressed from the NLS catalog, and will be removed from BARD if it has not been already. I expect this means it will be (or has already been) pulled from Gutenberg devices as well.

Do you have the extra record in KLAS? If so, here's our recommended actions:

In Catalog
1. Use the Functions - ReIssue tool to ReIssue DB106299 as DB105658.
  • Link Type: ReIssue; add "See" to old title; suppress WebOPAC listing of old title.
2. Set the Title Status of DB106299 to "Withdrawn" and remove all Subject Headings.
3. If it has not circulated already, you can choose to delete DB106299. However, it should not be deleted if it is In Circulation for any patrons, and deleting it would remove any circulation statistics for the title.

In Patron
1. Use the Reports - Items & Titles - Patrons with Queued Title report to find any patrons with DB106299 in their Service Queue or pending Duplication Orders. 
2. For any Service Queues with the withdrawn title, either select and delete it, or use the Sanitize function to remove it without needing to find it in the list. Consider adding DB105658 to replace it.
3. For any Duplication Orders with the withdrawn title:
  • Cancel the order
  • Return titles to Service Queue
  • Sanitize Queue or find and delete the withdrawn title
  • Recreate the order with DB105658, or make a new order to replace it

Want more information on handling withdrawn titles, or why I recommend these steps? Check out this article on Withdrawn Titles .

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