

Duplicate Catalog Record: Comanche Magic

2 years 1 month ago #1410 by patrick20k
I thought I shared this one previously, but I'm not seeing it, so I apologize if this duplicate record post is... a duplicate post.

DB 107773, Comanche Magic, may also be in your catalog as DB 104316. 

Do you have the extra record in KLAS? If so, here's our recommended actions:

In Catalog
1. Use the Functions - ReIssue tool to ReIssue DB104316 (old KLAS ID) as DB107773 (new KLAS ID).
  • Link Type: ReIssue; add "See" to old title; suppress WebOPAC listing of old title.
2. Set the Title Status of DB104316 to "Withdrawn" and remove all Subject Headings.
3. If it has not circulated (and you do not have any physical copies), you can choose to delete DB104316. However, it should not be deleted if it is In Circulation for any patrons, and deleting it would remove any circulation statistics for the title. If you choose to delete it, complete the Patron steps first to ensure it is not in any queues or orders.

In Patron
1. Use the Reports - Items & Titles - Patrons with Queued Title report to find any patrons with DB104316 in their Service Queue or pending Duplication Orders. 
2. For any Service Queues with the withdrawn title, either select and delete it, or use the Sanitize function to remove it without needing to find it in the list. Consider adding DB107773 to replace it.
3. For any Duplication Orders with the withdrawn title:
  • Cancel the order
  • Return titles to Service Queue
  • Sanitize Queue or find and delete the withdrawn title
  • Recreate the order with DB107773, or make a new order to replace it

Want more information on handling withdrawn titles, or why I recommend these steps? Check out this   article on Withdrawn Titles   .

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2 years 1 month ago #1411 by massbibliophile

For the hosted libraries, is Customer Service taking care of this? When I looked at the last title you told us about, the Edoc was already gone for the version NLS said to withdraw.



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2 years 1 month ago #1412 by patrick20k
Customer Service doesn't withdraw titles unless asked to do so.

I'm not sure why you don't have an Edoc for the other title, but if you'd like us to look into it, I'm happy to! Just please send us an email so we have it in our tracking system.

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2 years 1 month ago #1414 by massbibliophile
Well, no, it was for the one we were reissuing, so it was "good" that it was not there anymore. I will make sure I am correct in what I am saying and follow up if needed. Thank you or answering my question!

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