

Electronic Braille Readers

4 years 6 months ago #937 by patrick20k
As the pilot program of Electronic Braille Readers being provided by NLS gets rolling, we have added the records for these devices to all Keystone Hosted libraries as EBH / Humanware e-braille reader and EBZ / ZooMax e-braille reader.

If you are Keystone-Hosted and get E-Braille Readers, you can add them to KLAS using the standard equipment receiving process! Everything has been set up and is ready to go.

For Self-Hosted libraries, you will need to:
Add the new medcode of EBR / E-braille reader (see the screenshot below for details)
Add the Equipment records for EBH and EBZ, using the new medcode for the Type
  • Both models should be OPAC Suppressed and the Is Serialized box should be checked
  • EBZ should Allow Alpha In Serial Num
  • Both models have a Serial Num Length of 7
And of course, if you need assistance, Customer Support would be happy to help!

Description: The Code Maintenance window is set to display MedCode. The filled in fields are User Code: EBR, Description: E-braille reader, Code Xref: B, Code Types: Eqp.

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