This is a WISH LIST item for me. I will begin with an example. If I am serving Tulsa PS and the point of contact is TVI, Jane Doe, her contact information including email address and work phone number are listed for every student. This way we know when looking at individual students, what TVI to contact. The problem is turnover and how this affects our KLAS maintenance. If Jane Doe leaves the following year (or sometimes during the school year), we have a new contact person for that school district. While we change that on the main Patron holding for Tulsa PS, we then have to go to every individual student in that district and update the email and phone number. Needless-to-say, this is quite time consuming and I have always wondered why changing the responsible patron information would not translate to the students under that party. This is something I would like to see in the future.
Interesting thought!
So this would essentially be adding another record as a 'contact', so when the preferred contact info on that record changes, any students with that record as a contact only show the current version. I'll ask if this is feasible.
Anyone else jumping up and down at the thought?