
KLAS UC 2019 Site Visit Photo Teasers

Two weeks ago James and I made a trip to West Palm Beach, Florida to meet with Chandra and Sarah from the Palm Beach County Talking Books to begin planning for the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference. For this week's blog post, I'd like to share a couple photos from our trip. To see even more, check out our "2019 KLAS Users' Conference Site Visit" Album on Keystone's Facebook Page.

On the first day of our site visit, we had a warm welcome from one of the locals in the parking lot of our conference hotel.

The conference hotel offers some nice creature comforts and amenities to make our attendees stay that much more enjoyable. This is the view of the conference hotel's pool through the lobby windows.

 KLAS UC 2019 Site Visit Photo Teasers

The historic Lake Worth Casino will be the venue for our Tuesday evening Welcome Reception. Its terraces offer views of both the beach and the intercoastal waterway.

 KLAS UC 2019 Site Visit Photo Teasers

Chandra and the rest of the Palm Beach County Library Staff are excited to welcome all the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference attendees to West Palm Beach June 3-6, 2019. We hope to see you there!

KLAS UC 2019 Site Visit Photo Teasers


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