
Please pardon our dust.

Here at 8016 Glenwood Ave #200, there's change in the air. A couple of weeks ago we started a large building remodeling and update.

By the time it's complete, the roof will be replaced, we'll have new ceilings, carpet, and paint, and our break room will get an overhaul.

In preparation for the first phase of the work, we packed up one half of our staff and moved them to the other side of the building while work happens on the side they usually occupy. Our programmers, Sales and Marketing Department, Lead Developer, and Technical Writer are in temporary quarters during this phase. Once work is completed on their work spaces, the opposite will occur. Our Customer Support Team, Office Manager, and Systems Administrator will move to temporary digs while their side of the building is revamped.

Please pardon our dust.

We are going to post photos as the work progresses in an album on Keystone's Facebook Page so be sure to like the page and follow along with the process, but here are a few teasers...

In our small training room, all the ceiling tiles have been removed, so electrical work can be done and they can be replaced.

 Please pardon our dust.

Furniture from Drea, Kyle, Mitake, James, and Lee's offices is currently being stored in what is usually our conference room. They have each taken up temporary residence in other parts of the office.

 Please pardon our dust.

Kyle and Lee working in their temporary setup in the large training room.

 Please pardon our dust.

You can see these photos and more in the 2018 Keystone Office Remodeling Album on our Facebook Page. Check there for updates as the work progresses!

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