
Steering our way into a new year on KLASUsers.com...

Last year we published the first KLASUsers.com content survey to assess how we'd been doing after our first dedicated year of weekly blog posts and discussion forum tips. This year we've continued with this content, added more, and also implemented the Weekly Wrap-ups that are emailed to the KLAS Users e-list. As we round out year two, Katy and I want to check-in again so we can continue to provide information of interest and in a format that you find useful. Therefore, please take some time to complete the 2020 KLASUsers.com content survey and help steer us in the right direction as we move forward.

We promise it's not too long and will be open until February 7th.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated! We're doing this for all of you, so please chime in to let us know how it's going!

Thank you for your participation. Our survey is now closed.


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