

As directed and defined by the most recent update of the 2019 KLAS Users' Group Bylaws Update, an election to select a new Vice President and Secretary needs to occur. Therefore, current KLAS Users' Group Officers met to discuss and determine a timeline for such. Below are the relevant dates as approved:

  • May 20 = KLAS Users' Group Vice President / Secretary Nomination Period Opens
  • June 1 = KLAS Users' Group Nomination Period Closes
  • June 4 = Nominee Bios & Headshots due
  • June 7 = Nominee Bios Published
  • June 10 = If only one candidate is nominated for an office the election will proceed at the Users' Group Business Meeting. If more than one nominee for an office, an online election will occur within 30 days after the conference.
  • July 28 = KLAS Users' Group Officers' Transition Meeting
  • August 1 = Official Installation of new KLAS Users' Group Secretary and Vice President

The duties and terms of office of the Secretary and Vice President as defined in "Article VI. Officers" of the KLAS Users Group Bylaws include:


Secretary: The Secretary shall take minutes for the Users’ Group business and administrator’s meetings as well as those for other committees unless otherwise provided. The Secretary shall also serve on at least one committee outlined in Article VII.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall serve in a mentoring and leadership capacity to learn about the responsibilities of the Users’ Group, and shall assist the President with designated duties. May be required to perform President’s duties if the President is unavailable. The Vice-President shall also serve on at least one committee outlined in Article VII. The Vice-President assumes the office of President at the end of the term of the standing President in office.

Terms of Office:

The Vice President is an elected position that serves a term of one year and then becomes the President

The Secretary is an elected position that serves a term of two years and can stand for re-election at the end of their first two-year term.

All names for nominees or questions about the process should be sent to Jen Buzolich (), President, KLAS Users' Group, and Michael Lang (), Vice President, KLAS Users Group.

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