

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a 7.7 Rollout update! Back in July I posted about how the process works; all of that is still ongoing. However, now that 7.7 for IRCs is imminent, it seemed like a good time for a status update.

Current Status

We now have 10 Keystone-hosted and 3 self-hosted libraries running Live on 7.7!

More are testing their Preview databases, with only a few left on the list (don't worry, your Previews are coming soon).

Development has continued squashing bugs in the new version, as well as continually adding new features and improvements, especially for Duplication Service. (Overwhelmed by the Release Lists or just wondering what might be waiting for you in your next update? Make sure you didn’t miss my last post, a Quick Review of 7.7. Updates.)

7.7 for IRC / IMC

Some of you have been wanting the new version for a while, so I’m glad to tell you that it’s almost here!

A couple considerations:

WebOPAC & WebOrder

The updates to make WebOrder compatible with KLAS v7.7 are nearly complete! This was a major factor holding us back from inviting IRCs onto 7.7, but we’re nearly out of the woods--just some thorough testing and hopefully it'll be ready to go.

For IRCs using WebOPAC: only Version 4 of the OPAC is compatible with 7.7. If you are on Version 3, please get in touch to start the conversion (it’s included in your contract) ... or, if you’ve been considering making the jump to WebOrder, now is a perfect time! Not sure which version you’re on, or just want to see an example of version 4? Check the list of Current OPACs.


If you’re Keystone-hosted, you can skip this section. However, those of you who are self-hosted may want to get started now getting your IT on board with 7.7 If you have a Windows server, we will need to install a Linux VM to run the database.

If your IT has any questions or concerns, please pass them along. We’ll be happy to answer anything and provide more specifics.

Ready to go?

If you’re ready to start the migration process and get a Preview database, please send an email to Keystone Customer Support to get on the list!

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