
2024 Online Administrator's Training

For many years, Keystone offered regular Administrator’s Training sessions at our office in Raleigh. Not only did that allow us to give admins in-depth training on their own systems, but it also gave them the opportunity to get to know us and network with a few of their peers as they learned together.

However, travel costs are a barrier to some, and others are banned from business travel to North Carolina for political reasons. Then on top of that, we have a pandemic situation. Even Keystone staff isn’t going into the office right now, and we certainly aren't going to ask you to do so. The answer was clear...as much as we loved having you in person, it was time to offer admin training virtually.

We want to make sure attendees get just as much benefit from the online version as they did from attending in person. That means the online version needs to have just as hands-on, personalized, and interactive an approach as the in-person version did, including opportunities for discussion with the other attendees and introduction to several Keystone staff members.

Training Structure & Content

We took this opportunity to revamp and re-evaluate the structure of the training. Because the in-person version required attendees to stay here in Raleigh, it was kept to two (very busy, intense, somewhat demanding) days. To make it a little easier to absorb all of the information without eating too much into your schedules, we spread out the online version to four half-days running from 1:00-4:30 PM Eastern time each day. The lesson plan itself has been updated from a progressive tour of the admin menu to a more module and task-oriented approach.

Finally, to help attendees orient themselves to each topic and come prepared to discuss their own settings and needs, we developed pre-class worksheets for each session. These worksheets are not checked or graded, it’s fine if attendees don’t have time to get through them all, but they will help ensure you get the most out of the training.

For more information about what is covered, please see the Administrator’s Training – What to Expect article.

Upcoming Sessions

2024 Library for the Blind and Print Disabled KLAS Administrator Training

  • Monday, March 25 - Thursday, March 28
    • Registration Deadline = May 16
  • Monday, September 9 - Thursday, September 12
    • Registration Deadline = August 30

2024 Instructional Resource Center KLAS Administrator Training

  • TBD by participants after individuals from at least 2 organizations commit to attending a session

Prerequisites for attendance:

  • Attendee must have a KLAS Administrator role in their local system
  • Attendee has authority to change records and policies for their KLAS system

Training Cost

The training still costs $600 per attendee, which covers the staff time needed to prepare for and run the training session. It comes with an Administrator’s Reference manual, which will be mailed to you (or provided electronically if that’s more accessible for you), the pre-class worksheets, and recordings of each session.

We hope this will allow more of you than ever before to benefit from admin training, as well as letting us continue to offer it safely. Be sure to let us know if you’re interested in joining in!

Registration Form

To register for an upcoming session or express interest in another date, please fill out the following form:

If you have any trouble accessing the form or if you have questions, please let us know! We hope to see you soon.

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patrick20k replied the topic:
9 months 1 day ago
Hello, glad you'll be joining us! Your registration is all set.
We'll be in touch to arrange payment, and then closer to the session with a more detailed schedule and access to the worksheets and reference materials.
jenr replied the topic:
9 months 3 days ago
Hi there! I filled out the linked Google Form to register on December 1st, 2023. Is there anything else I need to do to actually register? How do we pay for the course?
patrick20k replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
I'm sorry you've been frustrated! Because of how different every organizations' set-up is, and how quickly development moves, it's very difficult to produce and keep up-to-date step by step Intro to KLAS videos. However, this is a super timely question! We've just announced that our next Keystone-presented webinar will be covering resources for onboarding new users and soliciting feedback on what additional content I need to be providing. I recognize that April is still a ways out and you're struggling now, but I really hope you'll join us and provide your perspective as a new user. 

In the meantime, if your library has a training and development budget, I'd recommend contacting us for a quote for customized training. We can provide in-person or online training that will be customized your library and your needs, allowing you to work with a Keystone trainer one-on-one or alongside other staff members that need some training or review. Otherwise, if you let me know what your role is at the library (Reader Advisor, Circulation, etc.), I'll be happy to help you find some resources (though they'll likely be written instructions, rather than video). 
Anita replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
Hello, is there a video that "takes you by the hand" and shows you step by step how to work in KLAS? I am using the version 7 intro to KLAS. It has lots of pictures and that's fine but a video or a few videos that are step by step would be fantastic. The videos that I'm seeing are catered more for ongoing users and I know nothing. Maybe KLAS for dummies or updated booklets with the pictures. I feel stuck and it's frustrating for the day to go by and not know what I'm doing. HELP!!
Andrea replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
We look forward to having you attend the June 2022 session Lori!
Lori Brown replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
I have signed up to attend the online Administrator's training.