
Staff of Network Libraries for the Blind and Print Disabled using KLAS met for a virtual session on Wednesday, December 2 during the Online National Library Library for the Blind & Print Disabled's 2020 online national conference. Below is the PowerPoint presentation Keystone shared in both .PPTX and .PDF formats and the notes from the meeting as taken by Erin Pawlus, Secretary, KLAS Users' Group:

Time for a Refresh - Graphic: The next step

With the KLAS.com revamp successfully launched, we’ve started planning and looking ahead to reorganizing and redesigning KLASusers.com as well.

It’s important to us that this site can serve as a valuable resource for you, as well as a place where the user’s group can come together and collaborate on common issues. The appearance of the site isn’t as important... but we do want it to be pleasant to look at. A much higher priority is that the revamped KLASusers be easy-to-navigate and convenient to use (for all of our users—accessibility will be absolutely required in the revamp). Finally, if we’re able to add in some new features to facilitate user interaction, that’s a big plus!

We have our ideas about how to achieve all of this, but we want your feedback. Drop by Drea’s recent forum post to let us know what you’d like to see in a revamp, if there’s anything you don’t want us to change, or if you have any thoughts or feedback on our ideas below. We hope to hear from you!

A couple of examples of what we’re hoping for in the revamp:

Our current plan is to fold the current Documents and Recordings sections together into a Knowledge Repository (maybe just called "Resources"), so you can find all of the how-to information, downloads, and other "good stuff" without needing to know what format the resource is in. Of course, this section especially will need good indexing and searching.

Another change we’re aiming for is for users to be able to log in from any page and stay on that page rather than being redirected to their profile. This should make it a lot more convenient to access restricted content.

We’d also like to be able to include comments sections on articles, so it’s easy for you to ask questions or provide feedback on blog posts and resource articles without needing to switch to a forum post or email.

A lesser (but still high) priority is for the new version to be easier for Drea and I to administer. That won’t be as apparent to you, but it will help us get new content up on the site quickly. Right now, handling recordings can be especially tricky, so we hope the new site will allow us to more easily post new recordings in a way that will allow you to view them on the site itself and maintain a proper level of security for library-specific recordings that may include patron data.

So how does all that sound? Anything else you want us to be thinking about or try to address in the revamp? Please drop by the forums (since we don’t have that comments section yet) and let us know!

Future IRC User Relevant Events

Today's KeyNotes blog post is all about upcoming IRC / IMC KLAS user-relevant events, including:

  • IRC KLAS Administrator Online Training
  • KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Group Session at the virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting
  • 10/22/2020 KLAS IRC Users' Roundtable

2021 KLAS Users' Conference

Read on for more details about each of these...

IRC KLAS Administrator Online Training 

In September, we conducted our first online KLAS Administrator's Training session. Next week's blog post will share details and feedback about how it went. Before that, however, I want to share the news that we are planning to offer it again and want our next session to be IRC focused. The thing is... we need your help to figure out when to schedule it so it works best for those attending.

The training is held over the course of a week, Monday through Thursday, with two sessions each afternoon (to allow participants to join from any time zone), and includes pre-class worksheets that we recommend filling out to prepare for each session and a printed Administrator's Reference manual which will be mailed to you. This training is limited to attendees who have a KLAS Administrator role, including the authority to change records and policies for their KLAS system. If you fit this description and wish to participate, please complete this short survey to help us determine the best time to offer it.

Administrator training costs $600 per attendee, but the online format means that there is no longer any need for additional travel costs.

KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Group at APH 2020 Annual Meeting

We hope all IRC / IMC staff who registered for the virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting plan to join us for the KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Meeting at 10 AM ET / 7 AM PT on Thursday, October 8. This year's session is limited to one hour because of the compressed conference schedule, so our plan is to:

  • present some highlights of what we've added to KLAS for IRCs, and what's coming next
  • share some news about upcoming IRC focused training
  • have a bit of time for Q&A

10/22/2020 KLAS IRC Users' Roundtable

10 22 2020 IRC Users RoundtableAdditionally, knowing the limited time we will have during the APH Conference, the KLAS Program Committee decided our next KLAS IRC Users' Roundtable will be held Thursday, October 22 at 3 PM ET / Noon PT. We're excited to announce that Jared Leslie, AZ IRC, will be moderating the session. We hope it will be an opportunity to continue the discussion on any topics we don't have time to fully address during the APH meeting, provide more time for users to share feedback and tips and tricks, and an additional opportunity to demo new features and functionality.

  • Log-in information will be posted to the KLASUsers e-list and in the "Upcoming Webinars & Roundtables" article approximately one week prior to the roundtable.

2021 KLAS Users' Conference

Finally, we want to remind you that we're are in the process of planning an in-person 2021 KLAS Users' Conference (with the knowledge that we need to be willing to adapt and change depending on the state of COVID-19). At this time, the plan is for it to be held at Tennessee School for the Blind in Nashville from June 29-July 1, 2021. This will be our first biennial conference AND the first hosted by an Instructional Resource Center. Accommodations information will be available in the near future.

We sincerely thank Dr. Kathy Segers, Director of Accessible Instructional Materials and Outreach Services, Tennessee School for the Blind for being willing to host for 2021 KLAS Users' Conference. We look forward to working with you to plan an informative, inspirational, and rewarding experience for all our attendees. The Program and Logistics Committees are already actively meeting with the goal of bringing you a well-planned conference offering opportunities for sharing great ideas and learning new ways to use KLAS to help improve the services your organization provides.

KLAS at Virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting

In addition to the move to an online meeting, the APH staff have also made some changes to the usual schedule. Things are starting a bit later each day to accommodate persons in western time zones and the schedule is a bit more compressed, but many of the typical sessions are still being offered, such as the tours of APH. We're already making plans for the KLAS Users' Group Meeting which will be on Thursday morning of the meeting as usual, but our start time will be a bit later than normal at 10 AM Eastern / 7 AM Pacific.

Unfortunately, being virtual means we won't be able to provide breakfast for our attendees, but we do encourage you to grab a cup of coffee or tea at home and join us for the KLAS IRC / IMC Users' Group meeting. We will share recent updates to KLAS and Keystone services, plans for upcoming development, and provide opportunities for feedback and Q&A. If you have any topics or questions you'd like us to be sure we address, please post them to the klasusers.com IRC / IMC discussion forum and / or email Drea () or Katy () with your suggestions.

So remember, if you want to attend the KLAS Users' Group session at the Virtual APH 2020 Annual Meeting, register for the conference and be sure to select the KLAS concurrent meeting on Thursday, October 8 at 10 AM Eastern.

We look forward to "seeing" you there!

New KLAS Users' Group Vice President

I hope you are all well and in good spirits. It is my honor and privilege to announce that Michael Lang of the State Library of Kansas, Talking Books Service will serve as KLAS Users' Group Vice President for the 2020 - 2021 year. Please join me in congratulating Michael on this new and exciting endeavor. Michael will officially step into this role on August 1, 2020.

Thank you to all that voted!

Best Regards,

Chandra Thornton
KLAS Users' Group President


2020 KLAS Users' Group Vice President Candidate

A link to vote in the officer election will be sent to a designated representative of each KLAS library / organization.

The deadline to vote is Friday, July 17.

Biographies and Statements of Purpose of Candidate for Vice President

Michael Lang, Director, State Library of Kansas, Talking Books Service


Michael Lang is the Director of the State Library of Kansas, Talking Books Service in Emporia. He has been with Kansas Talking Books since 2015. Prior to that Michael worked in a small public library and in student services roles at various institutes of higher education in Kansas. He is a member of the KLAS Programming Committee and his local Friends of the Library board.

Statement of Purpose

To encourage greater participation from KLAS users via the many platforms provided by Keystone and learn from other KLAS users how to better serve our community.

My Reflections on KLAS Users' Group Officers

I wanted to take some time today to write about a group of our users' that I get to spend more time with than most -- our KLAS Users' Group Officers. In the nearly 18 years I've worked for Keystone, I've had the opportunity to collaborate with a number of different persons and personalities who y'all selected to fill these positions. I've facilitated in-person and online elections, been the Keystone representative to committees they lead as the chair, watched as the Users' Group became more fully involved with and proactive about helping to create and produce programming at the Users' Conference and now beyond. I've seen the Users' Group Bylaws evolve and a whole new officer cycle was instituted last year. We're now in the first election under this new model, and I'm excited at the prospect of having someone new with whom to plan and work.

With that in mind, I'm taking this opportunity to thank you all for teaching and inspiring me. Officers Meetings are places where we get the hard work done, but also connect with one another and sometimes have a good laugh. I know that the personal relationships I've established have led me to better understand the challenges you face in your day to day operations. I've even been lucky enough that I now call some of y'all friends. Keystone and KLAS are here to support you, but you're also here to support us. Your input as officers, committee members, presenters, and even conference attendees helps shape the future of what we're doing so we can better serve you and your patrons. Thank you.

So, now it's time for the Users' Group to select a new Vice President who will become your President in a year's time. No matter who your nominees are and final selection is, I welcome them and hope they will also gain from their experiences working as part of this group as much as I have. To help everyone better understand what role they are stepping into, I asked our current KLAS Users' Group Vice President to share some insight into her duties and responsibilities over the last year. This is what Jen Buzolich, California Department of Education Clearinghouse for Specialized Media & Technology, shared:

For me, the role of the Vice President has primarily been about learning how the Users' Group functions and our roles in supporting all KLAS users and helping to bridge the users and Keystone. I have appreciated being able to bring a voice from the IRCs, while at the same time learning more about the DTBLs. Having balanced representation in the Users' Group between the two groups has been, in my opinion, very beneficial. 

Therefore, I ask you to take some time to read over the bios and statements of purpose from your nominees for KLAS Users' Group Vice President once they are published and seriously consider who you want to become your new Vice President and eventual President. They will help shape your experience as a user, the future path of KLAS and Keystone, and be part of a great group of individuals who have shared and learned much from one another in the act of serving your KLAS Users' Community.

As directed and defined by the most recent update of the Bylaws of the KLAS Users' Group as approved in June 2019, an election to select a new Vice President needs to occur. Therefore, current KLAS Users' Group Officers met to discuss and determine a timeline for such. Below are the relevant dates as approved:

  • June 1 = KLAS Users' Group Vice President Nomination Period Opens
  • June 19 = KLAS Users' Group Vice President Nomination Period Closes
  • June 25 = Vice President Nominee Bios due
  • June 29 = Vice President Nominee Bios Published and Online Voting Period Opens
  • July 17 = Vice President Nominee Bios Published and Online Voting Period Closes
  • July 28 = KLAS Users' Group Officers' Transition Meeting
  • August 1 = Official Installation of new KLAS Users' Group Vice President

The duties of the Vice President are defined in "Article VI. Officers" of the KLAS Users Group Bylaws include:

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall serve in a mentoring and leadership capacity to learn about the responsibilities of the Users’ Group, and shall assist the President with designated duties. May be required to perform President’s duties if the President is unavailable. The Vice-President shall also serve on at least one committee outlined in Article VII. The Vice-President assumes the office of President at the end of the term of the standing President in office.

All names for nominees or questions about the process should be sent to Chandra Thornton (), President, KLAS Users' Group, and Erin Pawlus (), Secretary, KLAS Users Group.

Hello KLAS Users from Jen Buzolich, KLAS Users' Group Vice President!

On behalf of your KLAS Users Group Officers, we hope this message finds you, your friends and families, safe and healthy during these unprecedented times! Here in California, it is hard to believe that we have been out of the office since March 16! Our team, like many of yours, has been practicing our flexibility and adaptiveness as we figure out new ways to go out about our daily tasks and support our patrons!

As we move forward, please remember the KLAS community is here to support you! The Key Notes Blog will be featuring guest writers sharing about how their organization is responding to COVID-19. Also, be sure to check out KLASusers.com to hear what our BTBL and IRCs have been doing during this time, get some great tips and tricks for working remotely, or even cook up a new dinner recipe! Read below for more news and notes within the KLAS community:

  • An IRC Roundtable, hosted by Kathy Segers of the Tennessee Instructional Resource Center took place last week. Kathy demonstrated how she and her team use KLAS to conduct their annual APH census, followed by open discussion time. Having the time to collaborate as an IRC group surrounding KLAS allows us to work and learn from each other! We are looking for another IRC to host the next IRC Roundtable. Hosts can plan a specific topic or have an open forum for discussion. If you have questions or are interesting in hosting, please reach out to Drea.
  • David Perrotta from NLS sent out an e-mail regarding referral code updates to the listserv, and several librarians responded. Each library is determining the best way forward to adopt the new standardized referral codes from NLS. If you haven’t yet read the message from David, please check it out and bring your comments or questions to the NLS Forum on KLAS Users at http://klasusers.com//forum/nls .
  • On May 19 starting at 1pm EST, Keystone will be hosting Users’ Group meetings. These sessions will provide an overview of the new features of KLAS, updates from Keystone, and even some organization-specific breakouts. More information will be coming!
  • This summer the current KLAS Users’ Group officers will end their current terms and shift into their new roles. This leaves a vacancy for the Vice President role and elections will be conducted to identify a new candidate. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please reach out to Drea. The role of the Vice President is a one-year term, followed by a one year term as President and one year as the Past President role.

We can always think of plenty of things to work on and improve, come up with new features, and generally decide how we think KLAS should look and work. However, what we think is important to implement might not be what you, the users, really want to see.

~ Katy Patrick, September 4, 2018, Re-Convening KDAC Key Notes Blog Post

The KLAS Development Advisory Committee (KDAC) serves an advisory role to Keystone on new features being developed for future releases of KLAS.


  • Solicit and review KLAS Development Suggestions
  • Report on activities at the biennial KLAS Users’ Conference
  • Communicate with constituents.


The committee approved an updated set of guidelines on Wednesday, January 22, 2020.


Committee members representing the following categories of KLAS Users plus a Users' Group Officers' Liaison:

  • Large regional libraries
  • Mid-size regional libraries
  • Small regional libraries
  • Subregional libraries
  • Special Organizations / Schools
  • Instructional Resource Center (IRC) / Instructional Materials Center (IMC) Users
  • Up to 3 at large members with priority given to IRC representatives

Breakdown of all KLAS Libraries and Organizations in the above-defined categories:

Current KDAC Members

  • Tony Bucci - Arizona Talking Book Library, KLAS Users' Group Officer Liaison
  • Sam Lundberg - New Mexico Talking Book Library (small Talking Book Library), KDAC Chair
  • Shawn Lemieux - New York State Talking Book & Braille Library (large Talking Book Library), KDAC Secretary
  • Dianne Keadle - South Carolina Talking Book Services (mid-sized Talking Book Library)
  • Ricardo Cisneros - San Francisco Public Library - Talking Books and Braille Center (subregional Talking Book Library)
  • Donald Salvato - Xavier Society for the Blind (schools and special organizations)
  • Christina Quitana - Arizona Instructional Resource Center (Instructional Resource Centers)
  • Crystal Grimes - Oregon Talking Book & Braille Library (member at large)
  • Dan Malosh - Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library (member at large)
  • Pepper Watson - Oklahoma Accessible Instructional Materials Center (member at large)
Online KLAS IRC Roundtable

I am excited to share a new online effort to bring IRC / IMC users of KLAS together for idea sharing, feedback, and networking. Jen Buzolich (Vice President, KLAS Users' Group) and Cyndi Reimer (Chair, KLAS Development Advisory Committee) will host an online IRC Roundtable in a similar vein as KLAS Users' Conference Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. We invite you and any other staff from your organization that can attend to do so. Below is the info on how to join as well as the agenda the first Online KLAS IRC Roundtable.

KLAS IRC Roundtable

Date: December 11, 2019

Time: 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern / 10:00-11:00 AM Pacific

How to Join:


WebExMeeting link: https://cde.webex.com/cde/j.php?MTID=md36b8ee4733665d86f257e65a81895ca

Meeting number: 924 810 855

Password: FBkjNPbr

Join by Phone

1-8663901828 Call-in toll-free number (ATT Audio Conference)

1-2167067075 Call-in number (ATT Audio Conference)

Access Code: 631 177 4


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Favorite Features
        a.    Participants will be asked to each share out about one of their favorite features of KLAS and speak to why it is so.
  3. Future Planning
        a.    What might IRCs like to see out of these sessions in the future? How often would IRCs like to see virtual meetings such as this?
  4. Web Ordering
        a.    California will provide demonstration of how we use this KLAS feature and open up for dialogue.
  5. Closure

We hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving and look forward to any and all who can join us on December 11!

Thank You!

As we’re getting close to a number of positions on our KLAS Users’ Group committees and Board of Officers, I wanted to take some time to say, “thank you.”

(Yes, we’ve done this before—but it’s important.)

I’ve been there! I was on the Officers Board and the Conference Programming Committee for several years while I was working for the Illinois Talking Book Outreach Center, and I remember what an inconvenience it could be to have committee work or board meetings on top of my regular Reader Advisor duties. Now that I’ve been on both sides, though, I can really see how important it was that I made time for it.

To all of our current (and exiting, and incoming) officers and committee members: I see you showing up for meetings even when it feels like your patrons are crawling out of the woodwork with requests. I hear you asking thoughtful questions and sharing your ideas even when you’re tired and not sure you’re on the right track. And I thank you for it, because I know how much you are bringing to the Users’ Conference, and through it, to your fellow users’ understanding of KLAS, their ability to serve their patrons, and their relationship with Keystone.

Even beyond the conference, our active community of users guides Keystone—including future development, where we allocate our time and resources, and how we communicate. That happens in planning and at the conference, but also when users take their questions and concerns to the Officers Board to share with us, in our discussions with KDAC, in survey responses, and more. We rely on you to make all of that happen, and you make us better and better, every year.

So one last, heartfelt, Thank You.

And to anyone out there who is considering getting involved: Your voice matters! We’d love to hear from you.

This is the final draft of the proposed bylaws changes for the KLAS Users' Group. Changes were made to allow for a smoother officer transition for the positions of President and Vice President, incorporate language relevant to elections and content planning in non-conference years and / or in addition to the conference, and to make the group more inclusive of all organizations that use KLAS. Go here to review the current KLAS Users' Group bylaws as approved on May 5, 2016.

A link will be sent to a designated representative of each KLAS library / organization to vote on these changes. Voting must be conducted within 30 days and a 2/3 majority is required to approve the changes.

Connecting with KLASusers

Prior to the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference, Katy and I received a request to present about the different ways we send out communications and what platforms are available to users to share info with one another. On Thursday morning at the conference, we shared our "Connecting with KLASusers" presentation on this topic... and we decided to use the presentation as an opportunity to learn just what folks in the audience knew about our communications platforms and efforts.

Connecting with KLASusersThe agenda of the presentation started with klasusers.com, including the Key Notes blog, various resources on the site, as well as some tips and tricks on navigating the discussion forums. We then took some time to discuss the KLASusers e-list and share info about Keystone's social media presence.

Also, during the course of the presentation, we had anyone who wished to participate answer questions in a live poll. It was very interesting to see how many folks were and were not aware of who usually writes our Key Notes blog post and what kind of content they wanted to see more of. (And of course, we couldn't help but have a little fun with it.)

 Connecting with KLASusers

This week we wanted to share the presentation for those who were not at the conference so they have the opportunity to learn about all the different ways we try to share tips, ask questions, and share the latest news about KLAS. Also, we want you to know what communications channels are available to you as a user and how to make sure you're not missing out on important info. You can access the PowerPoint via the below link.

  • Connecting with KLASUsers.com - PowerPoint


Another great resource to learn about how to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, forum discussions, etc. is the "Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO" Key Notes blog from March of 2018 which including how to subscribe to specific discussion forum threads or categories, "favorite" forum topics, and the best way to find the latest Key Notes blog post and forum posts.

 Connecting with KLASusers

Please be sure to let us know if you have questions about these resources and / or how to use them.

An updated version of the KLAS User Group bylaws was presented to the KLAS Users' Group on at the annual business meeting on June 6, 2019. The members of the Users' Group then proceeded to vote online to accept the bylaws with all suggested revisions effective July 1, 2019.

Below is the presentation given at the NLS Western / Southern Regional Conference in San Antonio on May 8, 2019 in PowerPoint and .PDF format.

Below are the minutes taken during the KLAS Users' Group meeting held at the National Library Service 2018 Conference.

Below is the presentation given at the NLS Northern / Midlands Regional Conference in NYC on April 10. 2019 in PowerPoint and .PDF format.

Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

From Merriam-Webster.com:

Definition of FOMO
plural FOMOs
informal : fear of missing out : fear of not being included in something (such as an interesting or enjoyable activity) that others are experiencing

Do you have klasusers.com FOMO?

Well, here are some tips to make sure you see all the latest articles and posts...

All the latest Key Notes

To see all the latest Key Notes blog articles click on "Key Notes" under the Main Menu. The page sorts the newest post to the top.

 Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

A link to "More / Older Articles" is available at the bottom of the page. You can also navigate through older posts using the page navigation links (Page 1, Next, End, etc.) also located at the bottom of the page.

 Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

Keeping up with Discussion Forum posts

Subscribing to Specific Discussion Forum Threads

At the top and the bottom of every discussion forum thread, you will find the 'Subscribe' button. Pressing this button subscribes you to that topic so that any responses to that topic will generate an email notification to your email address stating that a new post has been made along with a link directly to said post for your convenience. You will notice the button now reads 'Unsubscribe' indicating that you are subscribed and pressing the button again will remove your subscription to that thread. Remember that you can also manage your subscriptions in your profile.

 Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

Favouring a Discussion Forum Thread

Another way of gaining visibility of threads you want to keep an eye on is set them as your 'Favorite'. This will place an obvious indicator, such as a star, beside the topic name of the thread so that it will stand out in the forum list of topics. After you "Favorite" a post, you will notice the button now reads 'Unfavorite' indicating that the post is already one of your favorites and pressing the button again will remove it from your favorites. This is a great way to get visibility on multiple topics that you wish to watch without getting spammed by email subscriptions. Remember that you can also manage your favorites in your profile.

 Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

Finding all the most Recent Discussion Forum Topics

If you quickly want to find ALL the latest discussion forum posts, you can navigate to the "Recent Topics Tab". This is the second available tab on the forums whether you are logged in or not. Here, you will see all of the most recently posted topics with the newest available first.

 Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

Subscribe to a Discussion Forum Category via RSS Feed

From Lifewire:

Instead of checking back every day to any particular site to see if it's been updated, RSS feeds give users the ability to simply subscribe to the RSS feed, much like you would subscribe to a newspaper, and then read the updates from the site, delivered via RSS feeds, in what's called a "feed reader."

Check out their "What Everyone Should Know about RSS Feeds" article to learn more about what an RSS feed it, how to subscribe to one, and suggestions for different RSS readers.

Now, use the RSS Feed button to subscribe to the Discussion Forum Index Page to have ALL the newest posts sent to you in your RSS Reader.

OR, use the RSS Feed button at the bottom of a community, category, or thread to subscribe to those that interest you most.

 Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO

 So, there's no reason suffer from klasusers.com FOMO by employing just a few of the above tools.


You have heard Keystone staff say it before, and you'll likely hear us say it again.

"It is the KLAS Users' Conference."

Today, I want to take the opportunity to recognize those users who have already contributed greatly to the logistical and programming for the 2018 KLAS Users' Conference. This conference is based on feedback and suggestions we receive from your survey responses, ideas brought up during conference calls, what you request and what you are willing to present and coordinate.

Thank you to those who have attended, will be attending, have sent us your thoughts and ideas, and who have stepped up to moderate a Birds-of-a-Feather discussion, present a general session, or help put together attendee welcome packets.

But, most especially, thank you to the Logistics and Program Committees and the KLAS Users' Group Officers. You participate in conference calls, send emails, give me honest feedback, and help shape the conference for each attendee, presenter, and member of the Keystone staff. This is my note of appreciation for all of your time and effort. You are wonderful to work with, and I could not do my job without each of you. Thank you.

KLAS Users' Group Officers:

  • Craig Hayward, KLAS Users' Group President, North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
  • Chandra Thornton, KLAS Users' Group Vice President, Palm Beach County Library System Talking Books Library
  • Erin Pawlus, KLAS Users' Group Secretary, Arizona Braille and Talking Book Library

2018 KLAS Users' Conference Logistics Committee:

  • Craig Hayward, KLAS Users' Group President & Logistics Committee Chair, North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
  • Nancy Reese, KLAS UC 2018 Host, Idaho Commission for Libraries Talking Book Library
  • Pat Herndon, KLAS UC 2017 Host, Georgia Library for Accessible Statewide Services
  • Edith Gavino, KLAS UC 2016 Host, Braille Institute Library Services
  • Andrew Shockley, KLAS UC 2015 Host, Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
  • Debbie Martin, Brevard County Talking Books Library
  • John Mugford, New Mexico Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
  • Sarah Smedley, Palm Beach County Talking Books Library

2018 KLAS Users' Conference Program Committee:

  • Chandra Thornton, Program Committee Chair, Palm Beach County Library System Talking Books Library
  • Sue Walker, KLAS UC 2018 Host, Idaho Commission for Libraries Talking Book Service
  • Erin Pawlus, Arizona Braille and Talking Book Library
  • Teneka Williams, KLAS UC 2017 Host, Georgia Library for Accessible Statewide Services
  • James Gleason, KLAS UC 2014 Host, Perkins Library
  • Cyndi Hammonds, California Department of Education
  • Amy Ravenholt, Washington Talking Book and Braille Library Katy Patrick, Keystone Systems

If you have the opportunity, please take a minute to express your gratitude to these people for their contributions.